Thursday, March 6, 2025

Maduro’s Venezuela election heist is a dire warning to U.S. citizens


by Dr. Steve LaTulippe, America Outloud:

The wise among us often cite the days of antiquity for history lessons. But what recently happened in Venezuela is a timely lesson for us as we approach what many consider to be “the election of all times.” For many reasons, we should learn from this ominous warning of what chaos and terror can come from a stolen election or two or three.


Although we should have, we obviously didn’t learn much from the 2020 steal. Or did we? By now, the lessons should be imprinted in our brains. For the first time in their lives, millions of Americans have learned what it means to struggle for survival. But what we now suffer is merely a portentous warning of what’s to come if Donald Trump is not the 47th President of the United States. You have to be brain dead to not have awakened to the disasters of media propaganda, youth indoctrination, economic instability, warmongering industrialists, a multinational enemy invasion, an impotent military, persecuted Christians, and a government hell-bent on destroying America by all means possible.

Venezuelans are showing their utter disdain for socialist dictators by taking to the streets. “Erasing history” took a recent turn when protestors toppled statues of the late Hugo Chavez after thugs canceled the people’s vote and fraudulently declared Maduro the winner. Chavez’s Bolivarian Revolution delighted Democrats and radical leftists everywhere, but it decimated the once wealthiest of South American countries.

The United States is following rapidly in their steps.

While the Biden regime has given token disapproval to Maduro’s dark regime, the puppet team is mimicking Venezuela’s coup to a tee. No need to quibble about who is learning from whom. The point is that America is facing a vital challenge of gargantuan proportions to save our free republic. And we face burdens beyond those of Venezuela.

Venezuela has sent us its worst criminals and crazies. China has sent us their spies, militants, and drug lords. Many other enemy countries have gifted us with their societal dregs. In other words, we are not just fighting a vile socialist dictatorship but also a Trojan army. A two-edged sword is ominously swinging against us. It certainly ups the ante in the freedom war that so many Americans still don’t even recognize or wish to acknowledge.

Credit should be given to Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla) for reminding Venezuelans of the $15 million reward our government has offered for the capture of Nicolás Maduro, whose strong arms just kidnapped Maduro’s opponent from his home.

But how ironic is Rubio’s unintended slap in the face to Americans who have brought forth ample evidence to prove election fraud in both the 2020 and 2022 elections? Yet the Grand Old Party has done nothing. Will the third time be a charm? We’ll know very soon.

Maybe we should learn the lessons our enemies have recently taught us to improve their own societies. President Trump should consider not only returning their criminal trash, but also leveraging them with our own sociopathic/psychopathic depopulation program. The Uniparty rogues and radical left should love the idea. They already ignore the Constitution.

Okay, I’m being facetious. But we should never underestimate the power of the people. We must find a way to defeat the corruption that now thrives in our government. And come hell or high water, we must stop the 2024 hijack. Let’s learn from Venezuela’s recent history lesson. Without secure elections, we cannot be free. And if we take to the streets, the streets could flow with blood.

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