Leaked German CDC Data Proves Covid Shots Are Killing People


by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

Explosive unredacted data leaked from Germany’s equivalent of the U.S. CDC has confirmed that Covid mRNA shots are killing adults and children.

Alarmingly, the leaked documents also reveal that the German government knew the injections were deadly before pushing them out for public use.

Despite knowing the shots were harmful and ineffective, the government still forced citizens to comply with strict vaccine mandates.

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The documents were leaked by a whistleblower from the Robert Koch Institute – the German CDC.

The whistleblower leaked non-redacted Covid protocols to journalist Aya Velazquez, who published the files.

Key findings from Velazquez’s report were translated from German to English by biotechnology scientist Dr. Simon Goddek.

According to the report, the German government was aware in 2020, before the shots were rolled out for public use in early 2021, that the Covid mRNA injections were ineffective against the virus.

In fact, the German government knew that those who received the injections suffered more severely from the COVID-19 virus than non-vaccinated individuals.

Dr. Goddek notes that the documents show government officials were using children as “guinea pigs” to test the experimental mRNA shots.

The data from the Robert Koch Institute also shows that the “vaccine” had failed in 79% of all cases by August 13, 2021.

By December 7, 2022, the German government was informed that unvaccinated individuals were “essentially immune” to the virus after a COVID-19 infection.

The information provided a breakthrough that proved that natural herd immunity was successful in stopping the spread of the virus.

However, the German government instead chose to hide this information and formulated tactics to cover it all while continuing to push the ineffective “vaccines.”

Aide from the “vaccines,” the leak also revealed that there was no scientific justification for enforcing a mask mandate.

In fact, the government was warned on January 18, 2021, that mask-wearing has negative side effects.

Nevertheless, government officials kept this information hidden and continued pushing mask mandates for the general public.

Another takeaway from the leak was that the German government became aware on October 26, 2021, that the influenza vaccine does not prevent infection.

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