Kamala Harris Will Confiscate Firearms


from Moonbattery:

In an attempt to make herself seem electable, Kamala Harris is walking back her promise to confiscate firearms:

Unnamed officials with the Kamala Harris campaign told the New York Times on Monday that the Vice President no longer supports many of the progressive policy stances she took during her first presidential run in 2019, including a mandatory buyback of civilian-owned “assault weapons.” Instead, her campaign said that she merely supports banning the sale of those guns moving forward.

Among Democrats, not allowing us to buy modern guns going forward but at least refraining from going door to door confiscating those we already have would qualify Que Mala as a moderate. But don’t believe her:

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Kamala Harris personifies end-stage leftism. If she takes power, it will not be feasible to impose her agenda on an armed population. This is why “assault weapons” will be confiscated, and why the definition of an assault weapon will be expanded to include anything more useful for self-defense than a water pistol.

Next after America’s rifle will be all semiautomatics, including handguns:

As recently as October of last year, Harris praised Australia’s 1996 semi-automatic gun ban and confiscation policy at a State Department event with Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

A semiautomatic ban would leave us with 19th century guns to defend ourselves from a 21st century authoritarian government and the well-armed weaponized mobs it might inflict.

From there, progressives will progress until we are totally defenseless. Soon after that will come extermination, in accordance with their ideology.

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