KAMALA HARRIS: The Most Radioactive Scandal Of All


from State Of The Nation:

Sister Maya Harris is joined at
the hip with primo Pizzagate
perpetrator John Podesta
SOTN Editor’s Note: There has never been a very real criminal conspiracy that the mainstream media so frenetically tried to cover up like the Pizzagate/Pedogate scandal.  In point of fact, the MSM presstitutes went into overdrive for many months attempting to kill what became the single most radioactive story of the 2016 POTUS election cycle.  The Pizzagate crime spree is actually credited for Hillary Clinton’s loss because her campaign manager was none other than the notorious John “Pizzagate” Podesta.  As for the hard evidence of this child trafficking crime wave:
TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

The PIZZAGATE Evidence You Will
NEVER See In The Mainstream Media
Now we see, from the damning invitation posted above, that Maya Harris — the older sister of VP Kamala Harris — is “joined at the hip” with John Podesta.  Not only that, but that she is directly involved with James Alefantis, the Washington, D.C.  pointman for the Pizzagate child trafficking operation.

KEY POINT: As far as political scandals are concerned, it simply does not get more perilous and hazardous for any politico inside the Beltway than the Pizzagate/Pedogate scandal. See: PEDOGATE: A Global Child Trafficking and Exploitation Crime Syndicate

As far as primo pedophilia pitchman and perp John Podesta is concerned, here is just one video that presents an essential perspective.
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