Is Kamala Harris Going To Make The Entire Country As Lawless As Her Hometown Is?


by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

Kamala Harris is being touted as the solution to all of America’s problems.  Since she didn’t do much as vice-president, and since she didn’t really accomplish much while she was in the U.S. Senate, many Americans feel like they don’t really know her too well.  So a lot of them are buying into the carefully crafted image that is now being projected by the Democratic Party.  But is that image accurate?  Harris spent many years ascending through the ranks of the Democratic Party in California, and of course the Democratic Party has been systematically transforming that state into a hellhole.  There is a reason why millions of people have been moving out of California in recent years.  But Harris isn’t just from California.  Her hometown is literally one of the worst places in the entire country


In January 2019, Kamala Harris launched her 2020 presidential campaign in Oakland. On Friday, Kamala Harris secured enough votes to become the Democratic Party’s presumptive nominee, hours after her supporters rallied in her hometown of Oakland.

As some put it, “Oakland is all in for Kamala.”

The last time Oakland had a Republican mayor was in 1977.

This is a city that is completely and utterly dominated by the Democrats.

Under their rule, it has become a cesspool of drugs, homelessness, violence and theft.  Here is just one example of how incredibly lawless Oakland has become…

In early July, a mob of 80 to 100 looters barged into an Oakland gas station and convenience store and stripped the business bare.

According to the New York Post, the mob originated nearby at a so-called sideshow, which is essentially lawless street racing that’s become common in Oakland.

It was bad enough that the store was hit by looters, but what made it worse is that the police took nine hours to respond, according to the owner.

It took nine hours for the police to show up.

Nine hours.

A few years ago, Kamala Harris was one of the politicians that was publicly calling for police budgets to be reduced.

When you do that, this is what happens.

At this point, Oakland is so lawless that it even has a “major problem” with pirates…

Oh, and pirates—yes, pirates—are a major problem in the waters around Oakland. The pirates reportedly come from the city’s myriad homeless encampments. Police have made a few arrests, but the problem now seems endemic in Oakland’s harbors.

California liberalism has transformed Oakland into one of the worst cities in North America.

And if she is given the opportunity, Kamala Harris will impose California liberalism on the whole nation.

Other cities that have been ruled by Democrats for decades are experiencing similar results.

Just look at what is happening to Seattle.  One man recently ventured into downtown Seattle in the middle of the night, and the footage that he captured looks like something out of a horror show.

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