Insane: Taliban Holds A Massive Parade Showing Off US Military Hardware Left Behind By Biden


by Steve Watson, Modernity News:

Islamic extremists have been gifted an advanced army

Taliban extremists paraded a massive haul of American military hardware around the streets of Afghanistan on Wednesday, reminding the world what a catastrophic failure the Biden withdrawal from the country was in 2021.

The parade featuring Humvees, armored vehicles, helicopters and weapons was held close to near the former US Bagram airbase.


The Biden-Harris administration left close to a billion dollars worth of aircraft, in addition to around 40,000 military vehicles, 300,000 weapons, and enough ammunition to last forever.

The Taliban also now have advanced military electronics, including night vision and surveillance equipment.

A report from The Department of Defense Inspector General from 2022 noted that “U.S.-funded equipment valued at $7.12 billion” was left in the hands of the Islamic extremists.

As we highlighted in May, a report to Congress from the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) noted that the United States has also provided Afghanistan with $17.19 billion in aid since August 2021.

The report also warned that al Qaeda has reestablished itself in the country.

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