Hillary Clinton’s Endorsement of Kamala Harris


by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

Two days after President Biden endorsed Kamala Harris for the U.S. Presidency, Hillary Clinton did likewise, by headlining in the New York Times, on July 23rd, “How Kamala Harris Can Win and Make History”. She said, “Ms. Harris’s record and character will be distorted and disparaged by a flood of disinformation and the kind of ugly prejudice we’re already hearing from MAGA mouthpieces.” I’m hardly a “MAGA mouthpiece,” and was active in the Democratic Party, both as a representative at my state’s convention and as a vice-chairman of my town’s Democratic Party, until 24 January 2013, when I headlined at Huffington Post “Barack Obama Is Now Completing His Long-Held Plan to Subvert the Democratic Party” and offered evidence that the reason why Obama had entered politics as a Democrat instead of as a Republican was that Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” had made it impossible for a Black to win that Party’s Presidential nomination, though Obama’s actions as the President by then had shown that he was much more favorable toward the Republican Party’s ideology and policies than toward the Democratic Party’s ideology and policies. So, that’s when I became an independent. On 29 July 2024, I headlined “Donald Trump’s and Kamala Harris’s Most Dangerous Policies” and concluded with: “Choosing between those two is like a death-sentenced convict being given a choice between being killed by a firing-squad or else by a hanging.

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 This isn’t any sort of democracy. That’s why a Second American Revolution is necessary.” Further evidence of this actual American billionaires’ uni-Party, will be presented here, but in regard to Ms. Clinton herself, instead of to Ms. Harris, because Clinton’s record in the Federal Government is far more extensive than Ms. Harris’s is.

I therefore republish here, in an updated form, my documentation of the extent to which Ms. Clinton, just like Mr. Obama, is actually a Republican — indeed, a full-fledged neoconservative and neoliberal, an imperialist agent of only the super-rich — instead of being any sort of progressive, at all. This is done here so as to indicate what Clinton’s endorsement of Harris really means or indicates about Kamala Harris:

Hillary Clinton’s Six Foreign-Policy Catastrophes


This article was, in a shorter version, first published at Huffington Post on 6 August 2013, then updated and expanded on 21 February 2016 at RINF.com and a few other sites (some of which sites were subsequently demonetized by Google or others, because they published writers which no billionaire wants to be published). Between 2016 and now, around half of the links in that updated version had become no longer functional; and, so, the 21 February 2016 version was restored, as having 100% currently functioning links to the sources. In this form, the article was then published at several sites (including at ModernDiplomacy.eu, which site subsequently received a threat to destroy the site’s market value if they continued publishing me, so, that site withdrew all of the hundeds of my articles that they had published, including this one).

These were Hillary Clinton’s actual foreign policies, and subsequently the foreign policies of Biden, Buttigieg, Warren, and most other Democratic Presidential candidates. Republicans might be even worse, but this article represents today’s Democratic Party foreign policies — the ugly truths, not the pretty promises. Every indication about Kamala Harris is that if she becomes the President, these foreign policies will likewise be continued with little if any change by her Administration. As you will see, there is unfortunately method in their madness. However, Democratic Party voters are just as closed-minded about the Democratic Party as Republican Party voters are about the Republican Party: for example, the reader-comments to this article, when it was excerpted on 22 February 2016 at the Democratic Party website Daily Kos, blamed some of the article’s named functionaries, underlings, but not the principals (Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama), and not the Democratic Party, whose policies these were and bipartisanly are — the policies of their own Party and of the ‘opposite’ Party. It’s always only “the other Party” that’s rotten, not also “my Party” — not both halves of ‘our’ Government. It’s always only “the other guy” that needs to be replaced, not the rotten and corrupt, actually dictatorial, system that’s been running America ever since the military-industrial complex and imperialism too over the U.S./ Government on 25 July 1945. And this is how the rot continues on, instead of being replaced. It’s that self-deceit (both by Reppublicans and by Democrats), which enables this rot to continue.

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