Hamas Riots At DNC Convention, The Secret Societies That Run This Nation And The World, And The Controlled Evil They Represent With Massive Treason That Is Wide Open To See


by Alan Barton, All News Pipeline:

A couple days ago I made this comment –

Bart’s Bantering:

it seems to me there is a disparity between the images of BLM/Antifa goons rioting and tearing down fences and the image that they are confronting the DNC convention doings. Weird how they are both governed and sanctioned by the same people isn’t it?

This is all for show, and the results are pre-determined. We just need to wait to see what they are leading up to, and history gives us a pretty good idea what that may be.

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When I was in college in 1968 the democrat’s riots at the Chicago Convention were considered the worst riots in the US up until that time, and many still consider them to be the worst.  Protesting the war in Viet Nam and following by a few months the massive riots after the assassination death of Martin Luther King, the communist idiots – er, excuse me, I meant to say the youthful democrats of the day thought it proper to burn, to destroy, to murder and more to show the world how upset they were that their own party was the driving force behind what they were protesting.  As the Reverend Jesse Jackson said, “There was the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in April, and the assassination of Robert Kennedy in June, the Vietnam War, police intrusion and the growing disenfranchisement felt by many Americans, especially the African American community” and Mayor Daley said 1968 was “one of the most challenging years in the history of the country.”  Yes it was, and the coming months promise to have the potential for far worse.

Chicago has a history of riots, from the 1855 Lager Beer Riot, 1877 railroad strike riots among many other labor union strike/riots, the 1919 Chicago race riots called the Red Summer of 1919 and left 23 blacks and 15 whites dead and thousands of mostly blacks homeless, the organized crime Alderman’s wars, the 1933 communist riots, the 1937 Memorial Day Massacre, late 1940’s numerous racial riots that had fire bombings, murders and more, again in 1953 and 1966, the aforementioned 1968 riots, 1969 Days of Rage, 1970 and 1976 thru 1979 race riots, 1986 KKK and apartheid riots, and not to forget the Chicago Bulls championship riots through the 1990’s, and those of this century have branded Chicago as the violent city of America.  Ever wonder why the DNC chooses Chicago as their city of choice for holding the election conventions?

The violence and destruction of the 2020 DNC riots is just the right backdrop to what may end up happening this year where the BBC said “Chicago sees deadliest day in decades amid protests and curfew“.  Being the murder capitol of the US that makes Chicago a great place for the democrats/communists to have their convention it would seem.

The Western Journal headline for this year’s riots said “Dem Nightmare: Massive Protest Takes Over Downtown Chicago Just Before DNC Begins” in anticipation for some fireworks.  Although I write this on Wednesday with one more day to go, the potential for mass chaos is wide open.  But that seems to be just exactly what communist love the world over.

Sarah Carter headline reads “Hamas Rejects Ceasefire and Hostage Negotiations Amid Disputes with Israel” and that seems to be fitting well with the named theme for this year’s festivities as the organizers have claimed that the mob gathering outside the convention are there as pro-Hamas factions and the DNC goes full blown pro-Hamas.  As Uncommitted Delegates push for speaking time for Palestinian/Americans (damn but I hate dual state allegiances) they seem to forget that Palestine IS part of Israel and even before 1948 their flag had the Star of David on it.  The larger problem lies with the democrats saying they support Israel but do not; they support the evils of the terrorist’s in the Islamic world.  Considering how much they love to hold meetings in Chicago and to start wars all over the globe, that is no surprise.

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