God, Trump, America … and Democrats’ all-out plan to steal the 2024 election


from WND:

Stunning new SPECIAL REPORT illuminates Left’s strategy for installing Kamala Harris as president

America in late 2024 has become a surreal, almost phantasmagoric drama of shocks, horrors and wonders – including a widespread conviction that Almighty God Himself reached down and dramatically saved Donald Trump from an assassin’s bullet that came within a fraction of an inch of blowing the former president’s brains out.

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All the surrounding chaos – Joe Biden being forced out of the 2024 presidential race, leaving radical leftist Kamala Harris as the Democrats’ nominee; the ongoing full-scale invasion of America by millions of illegal aliens including myriad drug dealers, sex traffickers, mental patients, gang members, criminals and terrorists; skyrocketing crime, inflation, and every other societal horror, all shepherded, nurtured and funded by the Biden-Harris regime – continues to ravage the nation.

Thus, good Americans desperately, yet hopefully and prayerfully, look to November’s election as their one doorway to national survival, sanity and restoration.

But there’s a problem.

However unspeakably bad everything has gotten during the administration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, one reality remains unchanged: Today’s far-left Democratic Party is single-mindedly obsessed with retaining and expanding its power, no matter what. And that means Democrats, in close collaboration with the Deep State, the legacy news media, Big Tech and other corporate allies, will do absolutely anything and everything within their power to rig, corrupt and steal the 2024 election.

Understand: Today’s leftist elites are not only perfectly comfortable with cheating in every way possible to retain power; they secretly believe they have a moral mandate to win – no matter what.

How can that possibly be? Rigging elections is not just illegal, immoral and unconstitutional. It’s literally suicidal for any nation.

So how do today’s leftist elites justify their obsession?

‘Racist, fascist, terrorist, Nazi!’

As everyone knows, since 2016 Democrats and the major news media have relentlessly portrayed Donald J. Trump as the incarnation of evil. They claimed for years that he was essentially a traitor, colluding with America’s mortal enemies to win the presidential election. And that he’s also a “racist,” “white supremacist,” “Islamophobe,” “fascist,” “Nazi” and admirer of Adolf Hitler.

Not coincidentally, the same people likewise defame Trump’s tens of millions of supporters – Republicans, conservatives, Christians and other regular, decent, law-abiding, traditional-values Americans – 74 million of whom voted for him in 2020 … as EVIL. “Deplorables” and “irredeemable,” Hillary Clinton called them. “Semi-fascists,” Biden famously labeled Trump’s supporters. “Extremists” and “domestic terrorists,” Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland branded parents standing up at a school board meeting to protest the Marxist brainwashing of their children; “racists” and “white supremacists,” as virtually all conservatives are referred to daily.

Writing in the Washington Post, legendary columnist Charles Krauthammer once crystalized the whole issue this way: “To understand the workings of American politics, you have to understand this fundamental law: Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Liberals think conservatives are evil.”

And the method of choice leftists have long employed for hammering home the supposed evils of conservatives has been to compare them to fascists and Nazis. Indeed, even after the July 13 assassination attempt on Donald Trump, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez couldn’t resist attacking Trump as “a racist and a neo-Nazi.”

So, what does endlessly slandering Trump and his supporters have to do with Democrats’ multi-tiered strategy to rig the outcome of this November’s election, regardless of the actual will of the American people?


Consider that in response to the real Adolf Hitler, assassination attempts were the most moral response – indeed, there were 16 known plots to kill der Fuhrer. So obviously, any lesser action that would serve to reduce or neutralize the influence of such an evil, mass-murdering dictator – say, like rigging an election – would likewise be moral, desirable and righteous.

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