Free Speech Is on the Ballot


by Jim Rickards, Daily Reckoning:

Last night, the Democratic National Convention opened in Chicago, which will run through Thursday. Joe Biden was one of the speakers last night.

Generally speaking, the more significant the speaker, the later in the week they speak. But they trotted Biden, the sitting president, out there on the first night like an opening band at a rock concert.

On top of that, Biden’s speech was delayed by an hour, which pushed him out of prime time on the east coast.


It’s almost as if Democrats are doing everything they can to distance Kamala Harris from Joe Biden. At this point they see Biden as nothing but a liability.

They can say whatever they want about how Biden stepping aside “for the good of the country.”

Biden was simply given a choice he couldn’t refuse — you can go the easy way, or you can go the hard way. Either way, you’re going.

The Party of Democracy Isn’t Acting Democratic

Biden was forced out by a cabal of leading Democrats, including Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, Charles Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries.

There’s a lot of irony here. The party that likes to call itself the party of democracy has jettisoned democracy overboard in its pending nomination of Kamala.

What about the 14 million voters who voted for Biden in the Democratic primary? Well, their votes didn’t count. Instead, they imposed Kamala on the party and told everyone to get in line behind her.

If they really believed in democracy, they would have had an open convention with several contenders vying for the nomination. Whoever wins the most delegates wins the nomination.

Looking ahead, I still believe Trump will win the election in November, but that’s far from guaranteed. There are too many variables in play. The question needs to be asked then, what would a Harris victory mean for the nation?

More of the Same, Only Worse

It would mean more of the Green New Scam, including attacks on big oil and gas and a hold on new leases for drilling on federal lands.

It would mean a wider war in Ukraine with a risk of escalation to a nuclear war. It would mean higher taxes and more regulation. It would mean continued open borders. It would mean slower economic growth.

This list goes on, but you get the picture.

I don’t really want to write about politics, but I have to because I’m a market analyst and politics influences markets.

But I’m also a proud American citizen who cherishes the Constitution and the rights we enjoy in this country.

I’m frankly concerned that a Harris administration would continue the attacks on free speech we’ve seen in recent years.

It’s the First Amendment for a Reason

Free speech, contained in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects all speech, as established by the U.S. Supreme Court in scores of decisions over several hundred years.

It protects the brilliant and the dumb. It protects the right and the wrong. It protects the positive and the hateful.

The idea is to let all forms of speech proceed. From there, an informed and educated public will make up their own minds about what is right and wrong.

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