Election Integrity in Swing States


by Robert A. Taft, American Thinker:

There are seven states that are considered ‘swing’ states. They are critical to the outcomes of national elections and one would think that the election security processes in these states would be top-notch.

Unfortunately, they are anything but.

The seven states include: Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Georgia.

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According to the Heritage Foundation election integrity scorecards, Georgia — probably because of the pressure brought to bear on it from the questionable 2020 election results — is the only one that scored well at 83 out of 100. The average of the other six is 59 percent. The average ranking for these seven is 29 out of the 50 states.

If you add other possible swing states – New Hampshire, Maine, Colorado, Minnesota, and Virginia — they average 54 percent. It is interesting to note that all the states ranked in the lowest election integrity rankings and performance are blue states.

The foundation bases its findings on 14 criteria, six of which address voter ID, accuracy of voter registration lists, absentee ballot management, harvesting restrictions, access of election observers, verification of citizenship, private funding for election board members, and election audits.

Requirement to present ID for voting: This criterion calls for a photo ID for both in-person and absentee ballots. The average score of the swing states is 10 out of a possible 20 points, which means the requirement does not apply in all cases and/or ID identification is suspect or lax.

Voter List Accuracy: This criterion shows how rigorously election boards and secretaries of state monitor voter registration rolls. The average score of swing states is 18 out of 28, but this average is suspect for the following reasons: In the 2020 election, there were 29 million illegitimate voter registrations, according to United Sovereign Americans, of which 10 million resulting votes, throwing voting accuracy off by double digits. All of the swing states were involved in this voter list fraud.

Absentee Ballot Management: This measures how well the state distributes absentee ballots, number of ballots one person can witness, signed request for an absentee ballot, receipt of all ballots by election day, etc. The average of the swing states is 10.5 out of 21. This exposes overall poor chain of custody of absentee ballots.

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