Thursday, March 6, 2025

DNC week is Democrats’ attempt to permanently raise Communist flag in America


by Dr. Steve LaTulippe, America Outloud:

As a long caravan of black-tinted passenger vans migrates into Chicago’s Communist turf for the DNC circus, anticipation is high, and emotions are mixed. The only guaranteed event of the convention will be a full-blown, grand attempt to raise once and for all the Communist flag at the national level. This history in the making will be a festival of lies and hypocrisy that already has Americans rising in disgust, anticipating each circus act to torch liberty’s spirit.


Among the top clowns performing are chief puppeteer Barack Obama and his racism-clamoring wife, Crooked Hillary, Tampon Tim Walz, and, of course, the squawking goose of the Joe Biden coup, Communism Kamala. Each will do their best to act normal and promote a “Communism is who we are” agenda, saying it’s truly what’s best for all of us.

The expected play of irony, hypocrisy, and fraud has already begun. The party that opposes national border protection has caged itself with iron panels like a bunch of wild animals. (Okay, that may be appropriate.)

The self-declared party of peace is drawing a 100,000-strong crowd of pro-Hamas protesters who are determined to sabotage the gathering of jackals. All those secretive dark-window vans: are they Soros-paid actors or government-funded yahoos to mushroom the war cry?

And a war party it is. This is no conventional convention. But the tribe is still severely fractioned and disorganized. Kamala’s honeymoon balloon was effectively burst by the Trump-Musk talk. And the Biden coup reveals the most unpopular VP in history to be the very scourge of “democracy” that the Democrat party claims to champion. Hardly! Kamala’s character has always been wanton, and her infamy attests to it.

Proof abounds. Uncommitted Democrat delegates from swing states despise Harris, as this article reveals. Why the hesitation? Because they don’t like America supporting Israel. Neither does the stampede of Hamas-defending protestors outside of Chicago’s United Center. In both their minds, a Hamas-led Israeli genocide is fully justifiable and offers no reason for Israel to neutralize their unrelenting worst enemies. What happens when the shooting begins? At least 23 people were shot over a normal Chicago weekend. What might we expect during the wild Communist DNC gathering?

If any light now shines in the darkness, it’s only because everything the Democrats do is backfiring. They mean to destroy us, but somehow, their self-inflicted wounds are making them hemorrhage badly. Maybe this is God working behind the curtain. If so, thank you, Lord!

What the Democrat Party stands for — as well as every RINO and Uniparty member — is the destruction of America. They betray this fact by every word uttered on their lying tongues, but they verify it by their every action. It is time for all good Americans to open their eyes and see the truth. Democrats are enemies, not political opponents. Anyone who votes Democrat in the fall is not just an idiot. Not just a duped fool. They are enemies of God, enemies of the American republic, insurgents, and advocates of terrorism. They hate their neighbors and unknowingly hate themselves.

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