Denial and Delusion: The DNC at the United Center


by John F. Di Leo, American Thinker:

How are you supposed to run a party convention?  And how are you supposed to behave when you stage one?

Can’t look to the Constitution for guidance; the Constitution was silent on political parties, since its writers hoped against hope that parties might never develop.

But we can look at recent election years, and we can see how parties behave in different environments.  There is a way to behave when the nation is at war, and there is another way to behave when the nation is enjoying an economic boom.  There is a way to behave when things are bad and your party has the solutions to fix it; there is a completely different way to behave when things are bad and your party is the one that caused it.


We have the opportunity to witness such a contrast this summer.

At the GOP convention, the Republicans were serious, adult, optimistic, confident (with good reason) that if returned to office, the Republicans can solve most of the nation’s problems.  The Republicans know how to bring back manufacturing, how to make us energy-independent, how to control the border, because they just did it eight years ago.  They didn’t give the impression that it would all be fixed overnight, but they clearly conveyed the assurance that they know what they’re doing, and we can trust them.

By contrast, the Democrat party’s convention in Chicago opened with exuberance, with joy, with a complete inability to acknowledge the nightmare that most Americans are living through today — possibly because they feel they don’t dare admit to it, but possibly because many of them truly do not feel it themselves.

As bureaucrats, as politicians, as the most connected “commissar class” in modern society, they are insulated from these issues.

Opening night in Chicago saw a cavalcade of minor county and state officials, from county executives to lieutenant governors, clearly chosen to represent the rainbow — black and white, young and old, male and female — all bounding up to the microphone to deliver their brief pep talks and talking points, each one more jubilant than the last.

One minute, they were giving credit to the Biden-Harris regime for rebuilding roads and bridges, when those roads and bridges were the states’ responsibilities, which states had been neglecting for years.  The next minute, they were patting themselves on the back for handling power outages, without admitting that it was Democrat policies that caused those power grid failures in the first place.

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