Canada Is Secretly Euthanizing Veterans, Government Documents Show


by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

A trove of documents from the liberal Canadian government has revealed that federal officials have been covering up efforts to secretly euthanize military veterans.

2,220 pages of documents obtained via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request reveal that federal bureaucrats from Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) have been pushing suffering service members into the nation’s taxpayer-funded euthanasia program.

Unsurprisingly, VAC, the federal department that is supposed to be in charge of helping Canadian veterans, has been scrambling to block the release of the documents exposing the scheme.


The documents contain several reports regarding complaints that VAC caseworkers have been trying to railroad veterans into the government’s taxpayer-funded Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) program.

The records, obtained by Canadian outlet Rebel News, show that VAC chose to use verbal updates when speaking to senior staff rather than written ones.

The decision seemingly sought to prevent the creation of a paper trail related to allegations that department caseworkers were pushing veterans into “assisted suicide” instead of offering them full treatment.  

The documents and their contents come after several veterans came forward saying that their caseworkers told them they should apply for MAiD.

The majority of the veterans were dealing with acute post-traumatic stress disorder.

However, rather than offer the vets a long and costly treatment, the Canadian government’s socialized healthcare system is pushing for euthanasia as a more cost-effective solution.

It comes after the government was forced to delay plans to begin euthanizing members of the general public suffering from mental illnesses.

Again, the government sought to elevate the burden of long-term mental on the healthcare system by promoting MAiD.

As Slay News reported, however, the government was forced to delay the plan following an uprising from doctors who refused to euthanize otherwise healthy patients due to mental illness.

The original delay in expanding MAiD for those suffering solely from mental illness came after numerous public scandals surrounding the deadly program.

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