BOMBSHELL: Blocked OIG Report Confirms Kamala’s Secret Service Role in Jan 6 Pipe Bomb Cover-Up


from Revolver News:

Revolver News has for several years been at the forefront of exposing the RNC and DNC pipe bomb hoax as one of the key smoking guns of the January 6 insurrection. Recent events have elevated the significance of our reporting to still loftier heights, as a result of national attention on the Secret Service in the aftermath of the Butler, PA, assassination attempt on Donald Trump and increased attention on Kamala Harris in light of her becoming the presumptive Democrat nominee for President. As our reporting has highlighted in damning and multifaceted detail, both Kamala Harris and the Secret Service are directly relevant to the pipe bomb hoax.


Now, based on conversations with several individuals with direct knowledge of the DHS Office of Inspector General’s report on the Secret Service’s activities on January 6, we can confirm definitively that Kamala’s Secret Service detail played an immediate and direct role in the cover-up of the DNC pipe bomb hoax on January 6th. The OIG report in question is authored by DHS’s Inspector General Joseph Cuffari (remember the highly corrupt and politicized DHS oversees the Secret Service). Despite the hostilities of the DHS, there are indications that Joseph Cuffari is an honest broker, not the least of which is the fact that prominent Democrats hate him, as documented extensively by Julie Kelly.

We were able to confirm the following based on several conversations with those with direct knowledge of this report: First, the Secret Service did, in fact, have a canine unit that swept the DNC area prior to Kamala Harris’ arrival at 11:25 a.m. on January 6th. A major suspicious factor we’ve covered extensively is how bizarre (and convenient) it was that the DNC pipe bomb, planted the evening before, had been sitting out conspicuously for nearly 17 hours in the open by a bench near the entrance to the DNC building and was even missed in the Secret Service sweep with canine dogs. This we can now confirm based on the OIG report—that there was a canine sweep of exactly two canine teams and that the canines were Secret Service (not CIA or some other agency as has been previously speculated).

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