Monday, January 6, 2025

Biden-Harris caused more harm to the American people than China, Russia, & Iran combined


by IQ al-Rassooli, America Outloud:

Listening and watching Biden’s speech at the DNC reminded me of reading what the German Nazis heard played by their Berlin Orchestra after Hitler committed suicide. In fact, Biden’s speech was similar to Hitler’s in never accepting any responsibility for their actions. It is always the fault of others.

This is by far the most unusual article I have written.

From my perspective of history, Biden, Harris, and Hitler are similar in their extreme arrogance, selfishness, and corrupt minds that brought death and destruction to their people and millions of others.


Even without war, the Biden-Harris administration has caused more harm to the American people and US institutions than the combined powers of Communist China, Russia & Iran.

Biden’s Götterdämmerung would have been the perfect music to play after Biden’s speech at the DNC, reflecting on the demise of his useless 50+ years in politics.

Because of Biden-Harris, Americans are much more divided politically, economically, educationally, socially, and racially than at any time in the last 60 years.

Because of Biden-Harris, the USA is much less secure internally and externally with his insane and unconstitutional Open Borders – with millions of undocumented and illegals invading its borders – and the totally incompetent foreign policies that have been rewarding its enemies – especially the terrorist Ayatollahs’ regime of Iran – while undermining her allies in the Middle East.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans are dying from Fentanyl smuggled by the Cartels to destroy its youth, not by war.

Currently, the USA has a despicable record of an Injustice System that has been weaponized by Biden’s Democrat-run administration against any and all Americans who disagree with the vision of this party regarding the future of the USA. He has vilified, insulted, and alienated almost 50% of the American people, accusing them of being homegrown terrorists.

Americans are suffering from a crushing increase in the cost of living, gas, renting, and interest rates, overwhelming any possibility of buying a home. American citizens have to compete for everything against tens of millions of illegals who are being treated better – by the Democrats – than the Indigenous people.

When the head of any entity or organism is corrupt, all other parts of the body get contaminated, such as the DOJ, FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, the fake media, slovenly Academia, and even the military.

On April 11th, 1945, as the Red Army fast-approached Berlin, the Berlin Philharmonic gave what might have been its last concert before the end of the war. Albert Speer, who had intervened to save members of the Orchestra from their senseless drafting into the Volksturm, organized a final concert in the Berlin Beethoven Hall, still standing amidst the city’s rubble.

The program for the concert commenced with the final scene from Richard Wagner’s Götterdämmerung – Twilight of the Gods.

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