Another Election Integrity Win Secured In Georgia Ahead of the 2024 Vote


by William Upton, The National Pulse:

The Georgia State Election Board voted three to two to adopt a new rule requiring the total number of votes cast to be reconciled with the total number of voters recorded for an election. If discrepancies in the count are discovered, the issue must be investigated, and a resolution must be found before the vote can be certified.

This marks the latest in a series of victories in Georgia for election integrity activists. Under the new rule, the State Election Board must meet within several days of an election to review precinct returns. In addition, the Board will oversee the compiling of a list of all voters who participated in a given election—including a breakdown by category of those “who voted Election Day In Person, Advanced Voting, Absentee and Provisionally.” The rule also adds that the number of “unique voter IDs from each precinct shall be counted.”


According to the rule, the total number of votes cast in each precinct will then be reconciled with the total number of votes counted in the same precinct. “In any precinct in which the number of ballots exceeds the number of unique votes, the Board shall determine the method of voting in which the discrepancy exists,” the new Georgia rule reads.

If the error cannot be resolved, “the Board shall determine a method to compute the votes justly” according to state law. If fraud is discovered, the Board is required to report its findings to the relevant district attorney.

The National Pulse reported in July that the Georgia State Election Board will also require local election officials to reconcile the number of votes cast with the number of ballots counted at the end of each day of early voting.


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