Will the Venezuelan Election End with Hope or Despair?


by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

The storm clouds have gathered for some time, a grim reality settling over our lives. The signs are undeniable: a tightening grip on information, dwindling resources, and a growing sense of unease. Yet, even in this oppressive darkness, a flicker of hope dares to emerge with the upcoming Venezuelan election.

Let’s introduce those first-time readers to our particular situation.

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Some background

When Hugo Chávez was elected in 1999, he made constitutional reforms that brought wide political changes in different areas without including important social sectors. In his first presidential period, political power started its closed increment, which has deepened with time, controlling the different constitutional powers like CNE (Center for National Elections) and TSJ (Supreme Court), also using its political coping to break other democratic and opinion expression sources.

The influence of executive power over the National Assembly (the socialist equivalent of the Congress) also occurs due to internal party conflicts between opposition deputies (some of which have been sent to jail), which may end up in parallel institutions like clandestine Congress and elections. This is to avoid the government machine’s blackmail and maintain political-electoral equilibrium, where all parties compete with fair conditions within the established democratic principles. Failing this, the government party may become the only institution that creates and reformulates laws according to their personal interests, authorities, and attributions during the period they were elected.

Currently, Venezuela stands as a country in a potential political conflict that very likely will draw (once again) the entire region. This fight affects nationals, foreigners, and neighboring countries, given the presence of many interest groups and international policies in Venezuelan territory. In this context, elections are instruments that could organize peaceful power transitions, in the way that presidents could be representative of most people’s will and a country achieves democracy. Thus, organizing fair, transparent, free, and just elections is important if the purpose is to confront the current turmoil and high levels of violence due to the political confrontation. However, these conditions are contradictory with the complexity of political infrastructure and justice deterioration, as well as oppression and fear that the Venezuelan political power creates in individuals who do not sympathize with the government party.

Once the foreign readers understand the remarkable downturn of our economy, totally engineered to destroy it, generate massive migration, and turn it into a gigantic money laundering scheme using the financial network of the free world, we can proceed to describe the actual atmosphere in the country.

A turning point is coming with the Venezuelan election.

We can smell in the air an irreversible turning point is coming up. It may not be a certainty yet, but the sentiment is powerful. The people, once cowed by fear, are finally starting to react against the uniforms. There are videos where citizens get a brutal beating by the totalitarian-controlled armed forces, but this has not repeated itself recently. At least, not out in the open, as far as I know, and not as brutal as before.

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