Who’s Behind This Show?


by David Prentice, American Thinker:

Most now know Joe Biden has serious dementia problems.  Many thought this was already true during the last election.  They kept him in the basement, he never did much, never campaigned much, never gave many press conferences, and even they were scripted.   Since he has been installed to the presidency, he rarely makes appearances, doesn’t really take unscripted questions, and has been set up to be hidden most of the time.  Things have hit a tipping point with this debate.  Many Democrat deniers have been shocked with the truth of this problem in spite of the feeble attempts to walk it back by Joe’s cabal.

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There are much bigger issues than the cat being let out of the bag and announcing itself on the stage of this debate.  Yes, there is a shock for too many, but there is a deeper, more nefarious problem very few have mentioned.

Joe is not capable of running the country.  That’s a fact.  The bigger question:  Who is it that will actually now make the decisions?  More important, who has been running this country these years while pretending Joe was President?  This is a hard point to get beyond:  These people, whoever they are, all knew.  Not only did they know, they also pretended Joe was normal.  Just Joe, the blue-collar guy from Scranton.  Never mind the man behind the curtain.

This cabal extends to most of the leftist media and the tech oligarchs.  They lied as well.  These lies were promulgated to maintain and aggrandize their own power, wealth, and ideological beliefs.  Done at the expense of an entire country, done at the expense of each and every citizen of this country.  Heck, done at the expense of setting the world on fire, as they clearly and perhaps inadvertently have.

This is the issue:  What kind of people would want to pull this travesty off?  Answer:  Very sick people, people awash in evil, people who value power over all, people who willingly lie and cheat to maintain their power.   People who think their moral status is so high they are willing to go into the gutter and use a man with dementia so they can clandestinely run this country.

How does one go this far down the path to Hell jadedly thinking they are entitled to power?  Entitled to do anything, no matter how horrid, to maintain that power.

Ladies and gentlemen, the mask is off.  Behold the demons who are running this country.  Preening fools who think they are smart enough to claim the emperor does, after all, have new clothes.  Don’t believe your eyes, believe them because they are the superior ones.

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