What is wrong with Biden – Jill Biden, that is?


by Joan Swirsky, Independent Sentinel:

For generations, women whose husbands were sick have plied them with tea and honey and chicken soup (aka Jewish penicillin), bought over-the-counter bromides that promised relief, kept them away from people and people away from them, and even tried folk remedies, for instance smearing Vicks VapoRub on the bottoms of their feet (before putting socks over them) at nighttime, the better to wake up with clear nasal passages and lungs.

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In other words, they did everything possible to protect their husbands from harm or hurt to help heal them.

No doubt, that was Jill Biden’s intention when she married the senator from Delaware in 1977, and raised not only the daughter they had together, but his young sons, Beau and Hunter, after the senator’s first wife and baby daughter were killed in a horrific car accident in 1972.

As the years elapsed, Senator Biden became Vice President Biden – for eight years – and the power couple Jill and Joe gained worldwide fame and huge wealth.

But before that, Jill juggled raising their three children with earning a doctoral degree in education and then teaching for years in a psychiatric hospital where her students were emotionally disturbed children and adolescents.

Surely, in both her education and clinical work, she was aware of, sensitive to, knowledgeable about – and protective of – the students whose limitations rendered them incapable of higher function. Surely, she became capable of detecting, even diagnosing, thought and speech disorders, dissociative thinking, and incoherent ramblings.

The following examples from when Joe was running for president in 2020 are sad and once again raise the very serious question that people have been asking for the past four years: What is wrong with Jill Biden?

Joe Biden says he’s a “candidate for US Senate”
A Half-Sedated Looking Joe Biden Devolves Into Incoherence on The View
Biden on Coronavirus: “We Have to Take Care of the Cure – That Will Make the Problem Worse No Matter What”

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