Vitamin C: Supporting Health and Resilience in Individuals Diagnosed with COVID-19


by Sayer Ji, Green Med Info:

As healthcare practitioners seek to support individuals diagnosed with COVID-19, attention has turned to fundamental nutritional interventions. Vitamin C, an essential nutrient crucial for overall health, is emerging as a potential supportive therapy for those facing health challenges associated with a COVID-19 diagnosis.


The ongoing health challenges associated with COVID-19 have prompted researchers and clinicians to explore a wide range of approaches to support overall wellness. Among these, vitamin C has garnered attention for its fundamental role in maintaining health and supporting the body’s natural functions. A comprehensive review article by Jorge R. Miranda-Massari and colleagues examines the potential benefits of vitamin C supplementation for individuals diagnosed with COVID-19, offering insights into how this essential nutrient may support various aspects of health.

Understanding Vitamin C’s Role in Health

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a vital nutrient with numerous functions in the body. While it’s well-known for its role in immune function and as an antioxidant, its potential benefits for those diagnosed with COVID-19 extend to several key areas of health:

1. Supporting Natural Immune Function

Vitamin C plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy immune system. The authors note:

“Vitamin C can promote the production of anti-viral proteins, such as interferon. In an in-vitro study, there was evidence that, in the presence of ascorbic acid plus glutathione, interferon was produced.”

This suggests that adequate vitamin C levels may help support the body’s natural immune responses.

2. Modulating Inflammatory Responses

Excessive inflammation is a concern for many individuals with severe illness, including those diagnosed with COVID-19. The authors suggest that vitamin C may help support a balanced inflammatory response:

“Vitamin C can inhibit excessive cytokine production based on its antioxidant properties. One of the principal functions of this vitamin, in addition to its great antioxidant capacity, is that it supports healthy inflammatory responses.”

3. Supporting Vascular Health

Vascular health is crucial for overall wellness. The authors propose that vitamin C may play a supportive role:

“Vitamin C also increases the synthesis and deposition of type IV collagen in the basement membrane, stimulating endothelial proliferation, promoting adhesion, inhibiting apoptosis, scavenging radical species, and sparing endothelial cell-derived nitric oxide to help modulate blood flow.”

This multifaceted approach to vascular health could be beneficial for maintaining overall wellness.

Exploring High-Dose Intravenous Vitamin C

While oral vitamin C supplementation has its benefits, the authors discuss the potential of high-dose intravenous vitamin C (HDIVC) for individuals with more severe health challenges. They argue that intravenous administration allows for much higher plasma concentrations of vitamin C, potentially leading to more pronounced supportive effects.

The authors cite several case reports and small studies exploring the use of HDIVC in individuals diagnosed with COVID-19. One example is a case series of 17 patients:

“Results showed changes in inflammatory markers, including ferritin and D-dimer, and a trend in FiO2 requirements. This case series presents data on rates of mechanical ventilation and outcomes.”

While these results are intriguing, the authors emphasize that larger, more rigorous clinical trials are needed to fully understand the potential benefits of HDIVC.

Safety and Dosage Considerations

One of the most compelling aspects of exploring vitamin C supplementation is its well-established safety profile. The authors note:

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