The Satanic Left Is Now Fabricating Absurd & Inane Propaganda Stories Accusing Trump Of Staging His Own Assassination Attempt – These People Are Nuts


by Alan Barton, All News Pipeline:

As new as this whole sordid Trump assassination mess is, there are so many things that can be said and have been said, that just about any position you want to take has all of the credentialed opinion and thoroughly studied guesswork to fit whatever supposition you may wish to make.  I am considering a number of them at present and with this in mind, it is a problematic judgment as to which are believable and which are pure fantasies on the part of the reporter of said “facts”; but basic logic and rational weight of evidence balancing can perhaps sort some of this mess out.  I used the term sordid with mess in the beginning because of the absolute insanity of so many of those pieces of reporting because that is just exactly what they are.


Perhaps an example would help clarify my notions.  One of the primary tricks of the satanic left is to fabricate totally inane and absurd stories in order to mess up the dialogue of serious discussion.  Taking cocaine fueled dream sequences, or perhaps best described as nightmares, they fabricate such nonsense as to muck up the thoughts of those who lack sufficient depth of reasoning to clearly see the ridiculous nature and irrational judgment calls that they pretend to qualify as somehow scientifically proven or subjectively proven as the real truth.  Faked photographic evidences, misidentified and purposeful distortions of the truth, pretended “specialists” and “knowledgeable” witnesses are used to imply that somehow an impossible lie is the truth and the reality is somehow some type of speculative theory playing on whatever idle beliefs or trends are current is the truth.  That is the special providence of the radical left.

Nuts yes, but it is happening all over the place.  Cases in point may list those of the flat earth, we never went to the moon, there is no such thing as nuclear weapons, and somehow everything that irritates you is by those overwhelmingly massive populations of evil Jews even though the total world population was almost completely destroyed not too long ago; and multiple times in the past at that.  But the item of interest in this column is the one about Donnie John Trump being the one that is responsible for his own assassination attempt.

The Gateway Pundit played a story they called a BlueAnon conspiracy; with BlueAnon meaning those conspiracy theories fabricated, produced and pushed into world by radical left wing propaganda agents specifically to cause the kind of confusion and discontinuity in society that the communists are well known for.  Those democrat monkeys actually tried to make people believe and accuse Trump “of staging his own assassination attempt.”  “Some Blueanon insists that the incident was a ‘false flag,’ alleging that Trump himself orchestrated it to garner sympathy and political support” they are trying to say, and they are not alone.

That is an easy idea for a simpleton to come up with as it fits into the anti-American tone of the Never Trump Rino’s and their cohorts, the communists pretending to be democrats.

Red State also chimed in the day before that when they said “a University of Virginia associate professor who claims the assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump on Saturday was a “staged event for suckers.” Yeah. Sethunya Mokoko made the incredulous claim, based on zero facts.”  Let’s look into that story a bit more to make things easier to understand.

Mokoko said “That s**t was more staged than a Tyler Perry production of ‘Madea Runs for President.’ I lived in Harlem long enough to know that gunshots do not sound like making popcorn on the stove” and I can only guess, but I must suppose that it was judging solely by whatever the local TV station played and made such rich observations based on that sound track.

A Fox News analyst they quote said “He [Mokoko], however, is available to offer sage-like clarity that the Secret Service, local police, and the Trump campaign conspired to fake the assassination, kill a bystander, and seriously wound others to get the sucker vote. He is not alone in this theory while others on the left are simply bemoaning that Thomas Matthew Crooks missed.

In his tweet, Mokoko said that security ‘ignored [Crooks] because trump & secrete service staged theatrics to win idiots’ vote.’”

The part that gives a more reasoned view is the portion that said “So let me get the conspiracy down. The Secret Service allowed a kid who flunked out of the high school shooting club as a bad shot to fire multiple rounds at the former president from a sloped roof at 130 yards in the hope that he would only wing him?”  Perfectly stated I would say.  And that should also be considered with the fact that Trump did in fact have a chunk of his ear clipped off with that bullet (a .223 by the way) as shown in a photo printed in the WLT Report as shown below.

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