The ‘Left’ Has Turned ‘Science’ Into A ‘Revolutionary Action Committee’ With A Propaganda Army And A Totalitarian Edict In Line With The Perversion Of The ‘New World Order’


by Alan Barton, All News Pipeline:

The word Science elicits thoughts of wonder in many, thoughts of disgust in many more, and fear in still others.  Curiosity would perhaps be my best response, so let’s take a brief look at that word and try to see just what “Science” is.

As is my wont, we will first consider what Merriam-Webster thinks the definition of science is.  They say the meaning is “knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through scientific method.  At least that is the textbook meaning of the word as well as the one I understood for my whole life, and we will delve into the last portion that notes the “scientific method” as that is a very important function to understand a bit further on in this discussion.


The Science Council (dot org) also gives a fair overview when they said “Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence.”  Well, that is nice and they add to that the classic definition of the scientific method.  Let’s temper any optimism with the introduction of some other quotes from their website.  The top of the main page includes a set of pages or links with the second entry titled “Equity, Diversity & Inclusion” which instantly brands the organization as just a political hack site with little to do with real science.  Going to that page we see that they are not just stating they are in compliance with that radical left wing conspiracy to destroy any objectivity and rational observation with the best minds available, but also states “All Members sign up to the Declaration, which has helped drive commitment and action to work in this area, including the development of Member strategies and action plans as well as the increase in resources to support engagement and culture change.  Pardon my Arabic, but what the bloody hell does that have to do with scientific investigation?

Sounds more like a revolutionary action committees plan to change the culture and religions let alone the morals of whomever or wherever they are involved.  Am I wrong?   That is more like a missionary force, a propaganda army or totalitarian edict to change your mindset or you are not an official “scientist”.  Thought police indeed.  Not really so far out of the ordinary if we remember that the Kenyan declared that NASA’s real mission is to promote Islam and its ideals.  I believe these things are directly related even though the Science Council is a UK enterprise as that mindset and the supporting structures are in common all over the world.

The generic revision of definition as to what science is can be derived from the phrasing that the so-called science community uses to describe their supposed superiority over real people, and please forgive me for using the left wing adage that includes mentioning any specific group as a “community”; that term invokes the idea of a community fundamental value to things just exactly as the communist term inspires it to.  Communism demands that everyone is within specific “communities” in order to group, separate and isolate in order to better control the populace within specific targets.  You know, things like the immoral LBGT perverts as the Gay Community; the enormous masses of criminal invaders are the Immigrant Community; the vastly increased “street” homeless forced out by lack of real drug control, decent jobs and mental health care as the Shelter Deprived Community among so many other groups.

But I digress so let’s return and consider the definition of what the Scientific Method is to see what a scientist is really supposed to do and be.

Returning to Merriam-Webster we see that the scientific method is “principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses”.   That is a very simple and straightforward definition that encompasses the very basis and truth as to just what Science really is.  Science is fundamentally the procedures used to determine the truths of, or the operational parameters of whatever the subject of interest is.  It most definitely is NOT the results of those investigations nor can it describe anything to do with the truth or validity of those results.  It only describes the actions taken to resolve an unknown as far as the study of the data suggests.  It can NOT in and of itself decide the Truth or the absoluteness of anything it is used to investigate.  Science is the use of the Scientific Method to derive a possible solution to an unknown, it is just a tool, and nothing more.

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