The Keystone Cops and Clusterfuck Investigation


by Robert Malone MD MS, Who Is Robert Malone:

Who’s on First? Welcome to The Great Enshittening!

After the complete and abject failure of the Secret Service in stopping the attempted assassination of our next President of the United States, one would expect that there would be an investigation, maybe even more than one.

But watching the news over the last few days has made it painfully clear that the investigations and the investigations of the investigators are to be never-ending. And despite assurances to the contrary, no one organization seems to be leading the way. Furthermore, whatever happened is being swept up into some classified dark hole, never to see the light of day.


The headlines from the past couple of days speak volumes:

The DHS leads the way:

Looks like the DHS Inspector General is investigating the Secret Service over their failure. Right? Well, that is weird, given that the United States Secret Service (USSS) is a federal law enforcement agency that operates under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). They are one and the same.

Essentially, that means that the same agency that caused this huge security failure will be investigating themselves.


However, it isn’t just the DHS that is investigating the security failures of the Secret Service.

But then, maybe the FBI is leading the investigation?

Apparently, the FBI has already come up with a reason for not investigating. And Congressman Tim Burchett has already called bullshit on their excuse.

No… Wait!

Should the Biden administration investigate itself?

The Biden administration has also launched an investigation. Talk about a self-licking ice cream cone!

The House Oversight Committee has subpoenaed Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle and has also launched an investigation.

House Speaker Mike Johnson has announced he also is setting up a task force to investigate the failed response by the Secret Service

Then we have Secret Service Director Cheatle explaining how having Secret Service agents on that low sloping roof could put officers in danger. Having them fall off, as a police officer did to avoid getting shot at by Crooks – well that just wouldn’t be right.

Butler County Sheriff Michael Slupe told Reuters the gunman, later identified as Thomas Matthew Crooks, saw the officer and pointed his rifle at him before the officer, holding to the roof’s edge, dropped down to safety.

A few things come to mind with this.

The truth is a local police officer had been on the roof already and when threatened by the shooter, chose to fall off. So, the slope and height of the roof just wasn’t a cause for great concern by the local police force.

Then there is whole DEI/ESG notion coming from the Secret Service Director that we are all equal and interchangeable. That President Trump’s life is no more expendable or important than an agent’s. In my way of thinking, this goes against every principle of an elite security force.

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