The Joy of Conspiracies As They Go Mainstream


by M Dowling, IndependentSentinel:

The Internet is a treasure trove of conspiracy theories, but if you’re like me, when you hear a new one, you’re saying, “It wouldn’t surprise me!”

Biden disappeared with COVID for several days, walking up the airstairs like he might never take another step. We got a resignation letter with a photocopied signature and no letterhead and still no Joe. People demanded proof of life. Then he reappeared for a teleprompter speech with fake excuses as to why he was leaving, and people said he was inches taller and his face looked different, so they went to the inevitable body double. It gets better. Stew Peters said the only question now is, “How long has he been dead?”


A new poll of Dems found that 1/3 believe the assassination attempt against Donald Trump was staged with fake blood. The man who was murdered and the two injured men were collateral damage.

Republicans believe the shooting was a coup attempt, and Democrats and Republicans say ousting Biden was a coup. That’s especially realistic since 14 million voted for Joe and not Kamala.

Republicans say Democrats are authoritarians and about to steal the election. Democrats say the same thing about Republicans.

No one thinks the inflation and jobs reports are accurate.

Criticizing Dr. Fauci and vaccines was once a conspiracy theory, but not anymore. Russiagate and the fake lynching at Nascar were conspiracy theories until they became true hoaxes. Jussie Smollett was almost hung by white supremacists in Chicago until the black fellows he hired turned up.

Carving up children and eliminating their genitals should be a conspiracy theory, but it’s real.

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