The Fix Is in (Again): Dems Just Can’t Help Cheating


    by Stephen Green, PJ Media:

    Vice President Kamala Harris is such a sure thing to win the Democrat presidential nomination that they’re going to cheat to make sure she stays that way.

    This might be today’s most overlooked story, but let me pause here a moment to remind you that the more absurd the first sentence is in one of these 2024 election reports, the more likely it is to be 100% true and not an exaggeration in any way, shape, or form.

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    Because what the Democrats are up to today is 100% and not an exaggeration.

    You might recall that in Ye Olde Golden Tymes — that would be the weeks before Presidentish Joe Biden completely voluntarily dropped out of the presidential race before Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Kremlin) could force him to — the DNC had rigged its own game in his favor. Using Ohio’s ballot law as its justification, even though the state quickly changed the law to accommodate the Dems’ late convention date, the DNC decided to hold a virtual roll call vote to make Biden the nominee weeks before the convention.

    But now Biden is out and Harris is in and…

    …yeah, they’re still at it regardless — and the press is helping, naturally.

    The Washington Post is still running ads on X for this July 21 “analysis” on how the Democrats could have a totally open, fair, and mostly peaceful convention in which the new nominee is chosen in a small-d democratic manner. As though everything hadn’t changed the very next day when the party and its monied hangers-on hadn’t immediately coalesced around Harris.

    I’m sure you must know why WaPo is spending money it doesn’t have to promote a stale report. WaPo wants readers to believe, or at least pretend to believe, that the nominee wasn’t chosen for The People™ by a cabal of insiders.

    Anyway, I digress.

    Harris has the money. She has the delegates. Hell, she even has George Clooney, who appears to be something of a godlike figure on the Left. And yet, Fox News reported late Wednesday that the DNC will go ahead and “hold a virtual roll call vote on the party’s presidential and vice presidential nominees weeks ahead of its convention in Chicago next month to avoid potential legal challenges.”

    The DNC seems to have timed the announcement to roughly coincide with Biden’s Oval Office address last night — a midweek tactical equivalent of the infamous Friday Night News Dump.

    According to the Fox report, Democrats “suggested Republicans could challenge the inclusion of the Democratic nominee on a number of state ballots due to their respective election laws,” because Republicans are always to blame for the troubles and weirdness that define the Democrat Party. The real reason, of course, is that the DNC wants — needs — to head off an ugly floor fight in Chicago.

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