The entire Trump assassination plot is about to blow up thanks to a mysterious ATF agent who just went dark…


from Revolver News:

There’s a major shroud of mystery and unanswered questions hanging over the Trump assassination attempt, with new bizarre details coming out daily. The latest bombshell involves a mysterious ATF agent who appears to have secretly gotten involved in the case but has suddenly gone dark. Senator Ron Johnson is all over this new twist. If his findings hold water, they could blow the lid off the entire plot to kill President Trump. In short, according to Senator Johnson and his inside sources, a sniper team was the first on the roof, taking pictures of the scene and the dead shooter. Shockingly, they were approached by a man in a suit who they thought was from the Secret Service and were instructed to text those photos to a phone number that turned out to belong to an ATF agent. Now, attempts to contact this mysterious agent have failed because he’s gone completely dark.


MJ Truth Ultra:

HOLY SMOKES! Trump Assassination Attempt — It’s all about to Blow UP!!

🚨Senator Ron Johnson: A SECOND SHOOTER — And a Mystery ATF Agent that’s Now Gone Dark!

• July 13, Secret Service did not attend the 9am Security meeting with Local Law Enforcement
—— Law Enforcement wasn’t even on the same security channel
—— The Sniper and Swat teams weren’t on the same channels as patrol officers, or Secret Service

• At 10:30am in the morning, the local PD team told to secure the perimeter of the AGR building.
—— no one told them where to go, so they set up on the 2nd floor.

• At 5:14pm ET, The Local Sniper Team took photos of the Shooter, Crooks, in the AGR building.
—— why wasn’t he intercepted?
—— the photo(s) were taken at 5:14pm ET, and Trump was shot at 6:11pm ET

• A Preliminary report will be released to solicit more eye witness testimony.
— if you have any videos, save it!

— Was it one rifle? Was it more than one?
— there were three distinct shots early on, followed by another five more rapidly five… how do explain that?

“I’ve seen things from experts that cause us to question the FBI saying there was a single shooter.”

• The Sniper team was the first to go on the roof and began taken pictures of the dead body.
— Someone in a suit approached them and told them to send those photos to an ATF Agent…
— “I thought this was very strange.”
— No one even asked him for credentials. They thought it was Secret Service
— They tried to call the ATF Agent, BUT NOW HE’S GONE DARK!!!!! They cannot find him. WTF!!!!

Why in the hell was the Local Law Enforcement being told to send photos to the Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms Agency?

Why has the ATF Agent gone Dark??

#InsideJob Job

Revolver’s own Darren Beattie, the man who blew the lid off January 6th and coined the term “Fedsurrection,” had this to share about the looming bombshell:

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