Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Democrat Coup trades one puppet for another puppet


by George McClellan, America Outloud:

Once again, the Democrats have staged a successful coup against a US president, an original puppet, to be replaced by what, another puppet? Looks like it. The coup was rushed, disjointed, and came in the face of a failed assassination attempt against a former president. The victim was the hapless, incompetent, and senile Joe Biden, who could no longer, for whatever reason, hold up his end of the schtick anymore, and he had to go.


In their desperation to regenerate political momentum for their radical platform, they’re stuck with the equally incompetent and hapless Kamala Harris, hoping that her gifted oratorical skills could slice, dice, and eviscerate Donald Trump using her rhetorical brilliance in the coming campaign debates. In fact, Joe Biden didn’t decide to quit early, he was kicked out because his poll numbers crashed while he deteriorated before our very eyes.

We haven’t heard from him visually or orally since his electronic abdication announcement came out, but I suspect that’s probably because the Democrats didn’t want him to be seen kicking and screaming as he was shoved out the door. The Democrats’ problems are only just beginning. VP and potential Democrat candidate Kamala Harris is the logical person to run in November unless Joe should expire sooner and she automatically becomes president. Then, she can run as the incumbent.

Kamala’s legacy is a miserable one. She has left a cackling trail of managerial incompetence, unable to perform the tasks assigned to her like Border Czar. But wait! Actually, she may have succeded as Border Czar. She didn’t get that job to stop the flow of illegal immigrants but to ensure that it didn’t stop. Also, on the debit side, she is possessed of an unfortunate personality, against whom all, including her staff, unite in speaking ill.

She cackles when she laughs and she laughs more at her own comments than the political issues that are exploding around her. Her managerial record in government is a sad example of the “Peter Principle” in action. If her own people don’t like her, why should the voters? So how does the ‘Party’ get rid of Kamala before November?

Let’s examine that objectively. Harris is half Indian, half black, but she has no claim to African American heritage and therefore easily becomes a target of the really racist white liberal establishment who would prefer California Governor Gavin Newsom instead, and that would be the end of America. Look at what evil Newsom has brought on California. His tax base is fleeing to the Red States and taking their industry with them.

Next month is the Democrat’s convention in Chicago. It will be worth watching to see how many delegates get shot on the streets, if not on the convention floor. There’s trouble brewing right there in River City (Chicago), and it could be the precursor of America’s internal conflict.

The legitimate president, missing the tip of his ear, is alive and functioning but still not safe. There is a trembling unease in the financial markets since the failure to assassinate Donald Trump changed all plans. Whose plans? Trump’s survival, apparently, threw the stock markets into reverse. One wonders why Capital investment firms, i.e., BlackRock and others, on the day before the rally at Butler, Pa., sold their Trump shares ‘short!’ in other words, anticipating Trump’s death.

If Trump had been killed, they would have amassed a fortune at his expense. But he survived, and their buybacks raised the value of Trump’s capital shares instead. What’s going on here? Is the New World Order really involved in a conspiracy to neutralize America? It looks like it, but we’ll be told again and again that if we thought there was a conspiracy, we would be chastised as deniers and viewed as enemies of democracy.

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