Sketchy Business Behind: Thomas Matthew Crooks


from The Conservative Treehouse:

I’m having trouble believing the constructed narrative around President Trump’s attempted assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks.

First, I’m not talking about the ridiculously sketchy events that day. I’m also not talking about the hours, days and weeks leading up to the shooting and the background of what he would be doing in those timeframes. I’m talking about the actual personage of Thomas Mattew Crooks, the description of him, his identity, who he is.


According to what little data footprint is available and shared by media, Thomas Matthew Crooks, age 20, DOB: 09-20-2003, had no social media presence.  Let that sink in for a moment.  A 20-year-old in 2024 with no social media presence.

No TikTok, WhatsAp, Telegram, SnapChat, Insta, Twit, FB, gaming profile or Apple ID to correspond with his almost guaranteed iPhone, XBox or Playstation?  Sorry, not even close to plausible.

Second, it’s Deja-vu all over again with the picture (seen above left) that is widely being used by media in stories about Matthew Crooks.  The above image is his freshman high school picture. [SEE HERE] There are no recent or current pictures of 20-year-old Crooks taken by friends, family, or in this era, selfies?   And the picture on the left is the best image the media can come up with?

Compare that picture above to the screen grab of Thomas Matthew Crooks taken during the shooting.

The most recent photograph of him is something from High School, with a flag T-Shirt?  Seriously?

This, optical narrative control has serious Trayvon Martin vibes to it.

For those who do not know, below is the picture of Trayvon Martin that was used to set the “if I had a son” narrative, as advanced by President Barack Obama.  However, on the right is a selfie taken by 17-year-old Trayvon Martin the week he encountered George Zimmerman.

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