Senators Hawley, Cruz and Johnson Question Secret Service Director and Deputy FBI Director


from The Conservative Treehouse:

In the interests of reader time, here’s a few key excerpts from Senate questioning of Acting Director of the Secret Service Ronald Rowe Jr. and Deputy FBI Director Paul Abbate.

Senator Josh Hawley focuses on “accountability”:



An ancillary point that just keeps nagging me.

DATAPOINT: Everyone knows, literally prior to this event – everyone knew, that Secret Service protection had been continually denied to Robert F Kennedy Jr, by the people behind Joe Biden.  Not only did everyone know this, but RFK Jr and every pundit on the right-side of the spectrum, continually reminded everyone of this.

CONTEXT: Using hindsight as a review of political narrative assembly and knowing how the IC operates within the dark arts of Machiavellian schemes, a question surfaces.

QUESTION: Was the office of the presidency (that’s Biden) prepositioned, by intent or coincidence, to receive the political fallout from an assassination of his political opposition?  Was the RFK Jr security refusal, entirely purposeful and prepositioned for the political intents of a planned event?

Take out Trump with a bullet. Take out Biden with the consequence.

Back to the questioning.  Next up, Senator Ted Cruz:


Senator Ron Johnson:


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