Perhaps Concerning, Perhaps Not – Donald Trump Jr Will Introduce President Trump’s Vice-Presidential Nominee at RNC Convention


from The Conservative Treehouse:

I’m glad I waited before sharing the following analysis because I’m not as concerned today as I was when I originally read the Guardian article.   Yesterday, The Guardian reported that Donald Trump Jr would be introducing the VP nominee at the RNC convention.  According to them, that could indicate a strong likelihood of JD Vance as the nominee. That would be horrible.

However, what’s really happening is that Don Jr’s speech and intro is really just talking before the VP nominee makes his/her remarks.  The VP will be announced days before the convention itself; so, it’s a sequencing thing.  Maybe not JD Vance, and that’s a good thing.


There is, however, an unfortunate aspect to the articles predictions that is currently surfacing all over the media.

The top 3 finalists, according to a bazillion clickbait articles, are JD Vance, Marco Rubio and Doug Burgum.  I have tried to stay away from the VP discussion because, well, it’s basically a clickbait conversation.  Also, because if Donald Trump has not made up his mind months ago, then we are in more trouble than just the worry of a VP who might impede swamp draining.

If I have any accurate arrows of faith or pragmatic hope left in my quiver, then I am correct in thinking that Donald Trump made this decision a long time ago, and the Vice President nominee has long known exactly what the plan is.  If my “begin with the end in mind” thinking is incorrect; well, then we’re in bigger trouble than 99% of MAGA Americans can fathom.

Having said that, I hope none of the aforementioned names are accurate, because the very specific and current attributes we need for what is going to be a 15-year generational effort in our Constitutional Republic are not held by either Vance, Burgum or certainly not Rubio.

Every consideration of the VP selection MUST pass through the prism of knowing who the malevolent enemy we are facing truly is, the Intelligence Community, the Fourth Branch of Government.

If President Trump hasn’t/doesn’t game out every step with a thorough and comprehensive understanding of who the enemy is, then the problem will never be solved.

The dangerous Intelligence Community (IC) to be faced is Six Eyes, not Five, with one historically never discussed.

Worse still, they just launched the Seventh Eye in anticipation of Trump winning in November.

Yes, that’s correct.  At the same non-accidental time the IC decided Joe Biden was their least hopeful option, an actual risk – which was additionally triggered by the recent SCOTUS ruling, the global IC power structure launched a proactive Seventh Eye {SEE HERE} for the purpose of attacking the risk Trump represents and defending themselves.  [Now do you see why I have spent the past eight months physically crisscrossing their network?]

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