Over 1,600 doctors and scientists call for ‘immediate suspension’ of COVID shots


by Andreas Wailzer, LifeSite News:

More than 26,000 people, including 1,600 doctors, scientists, and academics, have signed onto the ‘The Hope Accord,’ warning that ‘the widespread rollout of the novel Covid-19 mRNA vaccine products is contributing to an alarming rise in disability and excess deaths.’

A group of over 1,600 medical doctors, scientists, and academics have signed a statement calling for the “immediate suspension” of the mRNA COVID shots.

The statement entitled “The Hope Accord” was signed on July 3. Its most notable signatories were diagnostic pathologist Dr. Clare Craig, physician and YouTuber Dr. Suneel Dhand, and evolutionary biologist and podcaster Professor Bret Weinstein. The statement has gained 26,281 total supporters, including 811 medical doctors, 2,102 other healthcare professionals, and 867 scientists and academics.

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“A growing body of evidence suggests that the widespread rollout of the novel Covid-19 mRNA vaccine products is contributing to an alarming rise in disability and excess deaths,” the statement begins.

“The association observed between the vaccine rollout and these concerning trends is now supported by additional significant findings.”

“These include the discovery of plausible biological mechanisms of harm demonstrated in laboratory and autopsy studies, as well as high rates of adverse events seen in randomised clinical trials and national surveillance programs.”

“Altogether, these observations indicate a causal link,” the group of experts concludes.

“This new technology was granted emergency use authorisation to address a situation that no longer exists,” the statement continues. “Going forward, the burden of proof falls on those still advocating for these products to compellingly demonstrate that they aren’t resulting in net harm. Until such evidence is presented, regulators should suspend their use as a matter of standard medical precaution.”

“These included: ‘first do no harm’, informed consent, bodily autonomy and the notion that adults protect children – not the other way around.”

“Also, particularly concerning was the erosion of free speech – a democratic principle that underpinned the ability to question untested interventions whilst ensuring other principles were upheld.”

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