One Man Found The Infamous “Carpet Trails” In Florida That Lead To Enormous Homeless Encampments Way Back In The Woods


by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

If you are still able to afford a decent home, you should consider yourself to be incredibly blessed, because vast numbers of Americans do not have a permanent place to live at this point.  Homelessness in the United States is at the highest level ever recorded, and it has been growing at the fastest pace ever recorded.  The homeless encampments that have been popping up all over our major cities have been making lots of headlines in recent years, but many of the homeless live and die in very isolated places far from public view.  What I am about to share with you should deeply sadden all of us.


Way back in the woods in southwest Florida, trails that have been made out of discarded carpets lead to absolutely enormous homeless encampments where hordes of homeless people have made homes for themselves.

One man was able to find these infamous “carpet trails”, and he posted footage of them on his YouTube channel


Coastal areas of southern Florida are very popular among the homeless because the nights never get too cold even during the winter.

But there are plenty of other hazards, and just trying to stay alive can be a real struggle.

Of course the west coast is dealing with an even greater crisis.

In Portland, homeless encampments have taken over vast stretches of the city and nobody seems to have any solutions.

KATU recently visited one of the most notorious homeless encampments, and they discovered that it has gotten even bigger since the last time they visited it…



This is what a collapsing society looks like.

Poverty and hunger are spreading like wildfire, and the deplorable conditions in many of our core urban areas are being openly mocked all over the globe.

In fact, in China they are actually “producing documentaries on the collapse of American cities”

The Chinese are now producing documentaries on the collapse of American cities. What this showcases is the grim aftermath of decades of deindustrialization, disastrous progressive policies, and an opioid crisis—ironically fueled by China.

“Chinese are making documentaries about ultra-extreme poverty and decaying cities since they don’t exist in China anymore,” X user S.L. Kanthan wrote in a recent post, accompanied by a short clip from the documentary highlighting the implosion of Oakland, California.

Since the video was narrated in Chinese, X user TranslateMom translated some of the captions, which said, “Everywhere is garbage … People don’t live in places. There are wanderers everywhere.”

One of the primary reasons why so many people are forced to live in the streets is because housing has become ridiculously unaffordable.

If you can believe it, there are now 237 U.S. cities where “buyers will find a price tag of $1 million or more on the typical starter home”…

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