Of Course Biden Won the Rigged Democrat Primaries


by Trevor Thomas, American Thinker:

In an effort to stave off the calls for him to drop out of the race for President, in a letter to congressional Democrats, Joe Biden boldly declared,


We had a Democratic nomination process and the voters have spoken clearly and decisively. I received over 14 million votes, 87% of the votes cast across the entire nominating process. I have nearly 3,900 delegates, making me the presumptive nominee of our party by a wide margin.

This was a process open to anyone who wanted to run. Only three people chose to challenge me…

As a follow-up to that letter, on Monday morning, July 8, Biden called in to one of his favorite media shills, Morning Joe, and told Joe Scarborough and his meager audience,

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Well look — Democrats — Joe, let me say it this way, the reason I’ve been on the road so much, all over the country, while Trump is riding around in a golf cart, filling out his golf cart before, golf cart before he even hits the ball — but anyway, he hasn’t been anywhere in 10 days, I’ve been all over the country, No. 1. And I’ve gone over the country for several reasons, one, to make sure my instinct was right about the party still wanting me to be the nominee. And all the data, all the data shows that the average Democrat out there who voted, 14 million of them who’ve voted for me, still want me to be the nominee, No. 1. [Empasis mine.]


In other words, Joe Biden is telling his Democrat critics to “back off” because he won. And he’s not wrong! As Mary Rooke at the Daily Caller points out,

All fifty states have voted in party primaries. The Democrats chose President Joe Biden, and the Republicans voted in former President Donald Trump as their candidate. At this point, while still an important part of the official process, the party conventions are merely a formality. But that is not stopping the Democrat Party from attempting a coup against its voters to install their preferred candidate, who is no longer Biden.


Yes, Joe Biden won the 2024 Democrat primaries. However, what he is — and most others are — failing to point out is that he won a largely rigged process. As early as February of 2023, astute observers of the political scene were aware of the Democrat Party’s efforts to ensure it was Joe Biden who was their nominee for the 2024 election. On February 5, 2023, the Editorial Board of the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), penned “Rigging the Primaries for Biden.” They wrote,

The Democratic National Committee voted Saturday to revise the party’s nominating calendar to put South Carolina first in line, upending a half century of tradition. The Iowa caucuses, which have been first since 1972, will be relegated to the back of the bus. After South Carolina’s primary on Feb. 3, 2024, the new order will be: New Hampshire and Nevada both on Feb. 6, followed by Georgia on Feb. 13 and Michigan on Feb. 27.



All of this is being done at the request — please don’t say orders — of the Biden White House. South Carolina rescued Mr. Biden’s candidacy in 2020 from defeat by Bernie Sanders, and black voters in that state and Georgia make up a large part of the Democratic electorate and Mr. Biden’s core support. Michigan’s primary was held on March 10 in 2020 and is another state where he won.

The DNC pushed Iowa and New Hampshire back in their primary calendar because those two states were perceived as likely not giving Biden necessary political momentum. As the WSJ put it,

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