by Jim Quinn, The Burning Platform:

Never cared for what they say
Never cared for games they play
Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
Metallica – Nothing Else Matters

I was driving to work the other day, when the song Nothing Else Matters by Metallica began emanating from my radio. It is a haunting tune and far different then their normal heavy metal repertoire. Depending on my current state of mind, certain songs trigger thoughts about the state of affairs in this increasingly warped world and my place in this chaotic spiraling civilization. This song meant one thing to their lead singer and songwriter James Hetfield, but everyone who hears the song relates to its lyrics in a way personal to them.


He essentially wrote the song about being on the road and away from his  girlfriend. But, as he explained in later interviews, the song’s meaning grew to encompass much more for others:

“It’s about being on the road, missing someone at home, but it was written in such a way, it connected with so many people, that it wasn’t just about two people, it was about a connection with your higher power, lots of different things. I remember going to the Hells Angels Clubhouse in New York, and they showed me a film that they’d put together of one of the fallen brothers, and they were playing ‘Nothing Else Matters.’ Wow. This means a lot more than me missing my chick, right? This is brotherhood. It’s pretty powerful.”

Some might interpret the lyrics to reflect on how difficult and challenging life can be on a daily basis, with adversity and tragedy constantly shadowing our foot steps. The lyrics force you to confront one of the most consequential questions of our time – What really matters? Do we control our own destiny, or are we controlled by greater forces, be they spiritual or earthly? In a tumultuous world spiraling towards civil and global war, with a dementia patient Trojan Horse pretending to run the most powerful country in global history, and a globalist cabal of billionaire oligarchs really calling the shots, do we have any real control over our future? Does anything we do matter?

To me, the lyrics at the top of this article capture my view of government, corrupt politicians, surveillance state spooks, police state thugs, apparatchiks for the bureaucracy, regime media outlets, woke warmongering generals, greedy criminal bankers, far left academics, vacuous hollywood celebrities, and the globalist billionaire Davos scum controlling the world from behind the curtain. I may not care for what they say, but the games they are playing threaten the future for my children, their children, and all future generations yet to be born. I would prefer sitting on a beach, reading a book, and not caring what they do. But I know I can’t sit still and just let them do what they plan to do, without using my platform to warn others.

I’ve been writing articles for the better part of the last sixteen years warning about government debt, the government surveillance state, the military industrial complex, the Fed, the regime media propaganda machine, and the Wall Street cabal, all coinciding with the onset and progression of this current Fourth Turning crisis. Since my views are considered apocalyptic and conspiracy theory driven by most normies, I just keep my views to myself when in the company of coworkers, family, neighbors and friends. They can go to my website if they choose to confront the reality of our dire circumstances.

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