Nice Cover Story – Biden Holds Meeting of Ballot Coordinators During AF1 Flight to Austin


from The Conservative Treehouse:

We are not going to play the insufferable game of pretending.  The stakes are just too high.  Today, the White House deployed a cover story for the assembly that accompanied Joe Biden to Austin, Texas.

As the story is told, the event was rescheduled from July 15th until today.  However, the untold part is the major medical incident, the fall in Las Vegas, actually being the disruption covered by the COVID diagnosis.


That said, and in the interests of our upcoming election the second part of the cover-story is even more pertinent.  MEDIA: “Joe Biden travels to Austin, Texas, for an appearance at the LBJ Presidential Library to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act.”  NON-PRETENDING AMERICANS: Uh, huh. An anniversary (key word) celebration that can be postponed willy nilly, causing the venue to stop the event, send everyone home, and reschedule just for Biden.  🙄  Get it?

So, what was this cover-story for?  Well, check out the AirForce1 attendees:

Al Sharpton (MSNBC), James Clyburn (SC), Chris Coons (DE), Raphael Warnock (GA) and Steven Horsford (NV). A coalition of allies in the 2024 ballot assembly and scanning system. Additionally, Alex Padilla (CA), Chuck Robb (VA), Nanette Barragan (CA-44) and Veronica Escobar (TX-16). If you want a citation on the media presentation – SEE HERE (scroll read).

Intellectually honest political followers can clearly see the race-based political assembly was a meeting to discuss 2024 ballot harvesting and precinct ballot scanning operations, using the “civil rights” trip as a cover for their assembly.

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