Mainstream Media Is Now Normalizing The Term “Deep State” — Here’s Why


by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

(The Corbett Report) Well, it’s official: the geriatric husk of a man occupying the Oval Office is in fact not the “leader of the free world.”

Of course, everyone with their head screwed on straight already knew this, which is precisely why the MSM liars have been doing their absolute damndest to convince us that President Joseph Robinette Biden is so fit he’s actually wearing out the White House’s younger staffers! And, up until June 27, 2024, if you were to question any part of this Weekend at Biden’s fable, you had to be prepared for the gaslighting of the century, you cheapfake-promoting Russian disinfo bot, you!


But after Biden’s four-alarm garbage fire of a performance at the CNN Presidential (s)Election Debate last month, not even the professional presstitutes can play along with this charade anymore.

Hitherto, we’ve been asked to believe in the fairy tale that a man who can barely string three words together on a debate stage—let alone a man who refers to his running mate as “Vice President Trump” and confuses Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelenky with Russian President Vladimir Putin—is actually single-handedly running the largest economy and the largest military on the planet.

But now, we’re asked to believe in the fairy tale that all that “misinformation” about Biden’s mental state has suddenly come true and that the House Oversight Committee is going to get to the bottom of the question of who’s really running the US government.

So, what on earth is really going on here? Read on to find out!

(And to any of my fellow anarchists who think I’m about to slip into statist (s)election coverage here or fall for the MSM hype: don’t worry! In reality, this story has nothing to do with the meaningless sideshow (s)election circus taking place right now. In fact, it has to do with exposing that meaningless ritual for what it really is!)



Do you remember “The Emperor’s New Clothes“? You know, Hans Christian Andersen’s famed fairy tale about the con men who convince a gullible emperor that they can weave cloth that is invisible to stupid people or to those who are unfit for their job? Long story short, the emperor and his subjects all end up pretending to see the emperor’s “invisible clothes” because they don’t want to be thought of as stupid or incompetent. Only an innocent child is able to speak the truth: the emperor isn’t wearing any clothes.

Anyway, you get the point: President Biden isn’t wearing any clothes. Figuratively speaking. . . . I think. (Actually, I make no guarantees about what might happen in the time between my writing this editorial and you reading it.)

As I say, those of us in the reality-based community have been pointing out the self-evident reality of Biden’s cognitive decline ever since the then-77-year-old was campaigning for (s)election back in 2020. And, since then, we’ve all seen the many, many clip collages and quotation collections confirming Biden’s tenuous grasp on reality.

We’ve heard the stirring speech in which he waxes eloquent about how “All men and women created by—you know, you know, the thing [sic].”

We’ve all laughed along as he reads the teleprompter prompts out loud like some real-life Ron Burgundy.

We’ve all had a guffaw at the time he referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as “President Harris” back in 2021. Then we chuckled when he did it again in 2022. Then we rolled our eyes when he did it again in 2023 (mispronouncing her name in the process). Then we groaned when he said he was the “first black woman to serve with a black president” last week. And now that he’s calling her “Vice President Trump” . . . well, the entire charade is beyond ludicrous at this point.

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