Klaus Schwab’s ‘Great Reset’ Co-Author Blows Whistle on WEF’s Greenwashing Agenda


    by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

    The co-author of World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab’s “COVID-19: The Great Reset” has blown the whistle on the inner workings of the globalist organization.

    Thierry Malleret, who wrote “The Great Reset” with Schwab in 2020, has just released a new exposé titled “Deaths at Davos.”

    The new book exposes the greenwashing agenda of the WEF, revealing that globalists are using fabricated environmental issues to accumulate more power, control, and wealth.

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    Malleret led the WEF’s “global risks” team for eight years before recently leaving the organization.

    He also co-authored “The Great Narrative in 2022” with Schwab.

    Malleret’s new book is thinly disguised as fiction while lifting the lid on a Davos, Switzerland-based globalist organization that seeks to advance the agenda of the global elite.

    In the book, the organization is led by a character named “The Don,” who bears more than a striking resemblance to Schwab.

    Despite the book clearly being based on the WEF and Schwab, Malleret insists at the onset that his novel is a “work of fiction.”

    He adds that “any resemblance to actual or past events and individuals is purely coincidental.”

    However, while the plot of the book comes from the imagination of the author, the surrounding details and characterizations leave us with plenty of insight into how Davos operates.

    The semi-fictional landscape serves merely as a means to provide Malleret the cover necessary to tear into the Davos class, and even select individuals who are integral to the WEF.

    According to Malleret, “The Don” – Schwab – is obsessed with the prestige of the WEF’s annual meeting in Davos.

    He writes that Schwab abhors the idea of outsiders being allowed to ruin his spectacle.

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