King George Would Be Proud: There Isn’t Any Freedom To Celebrate This 4th Of July


by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

Every year on July 4th, Americans celebrate their “freedom” by remembering that the United States of America began as an uprising, intent on ending the overburdens of taxation, tyranny, oppression, and the pilfering of our country’s natural resources.

So what has changed since 1776? Absolutely nothing. In fact, it has gotten worse.

Today in America, citizens regularly make payments to the Internal Revenue Service of the U.S. Federal Government because they are too poor to pay their taxes in one lump sum. Those payments also have interest and fees applied and keep such citizens, it seems, permanently indebted to a government which has no problem spending its revenue (taxes) on perpetual war, a 17-agency strong spy infrastructure, and building up its nuclear supply.


Freedoms, which Americans used to enjoy without constantly being harassed by legal lapdogs known as law enforcement officers, are now stolen from us and sold back to us at a high price. The right to carry a gun, in many states, comes only after someone gets a “permit to carry.” That permit is not free. In fact, none of the permits listed below are free. The only free thing anyone gets if they don’t get a permit is the freedom to be fined, arrested, or taken to jail.

These are the top five things you must have a permit for in order to engage in the activity:

1. Work – Yes, in America, we have to purchase work permits (minors), licenses (for nearly all professional positions), permits (to handle food), and the list goes on.

2. Travel – Unless you want to stay in one city your entire life, you have to have an ID to travel by the interstate bus system, the railways, the airways, and the open road (drivers license).

3. Marriage – Permits must be obtained to marry anyone, ever. Those permits also come at a price and if the couple decides they no longer want to be married, they must pay the state to get a divorce, which can also be very costly.

4. Eating – If you want to catch fish or hunt and eat your catch or kill, you’ll need a permit for that too.

5. Recreation – Often, permits are required to be placed on watercraft such as houseboats, kayaks, jet skis, and fishing boats. Anyone caught without valid permits can be subjected to fines. Park passes are also required before visitors can enjoy the God-given creation found in state and national parks.

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