“It’s not the end of the world, it’s the end of their world … and they know it.”


from State Of The Nation:

Both the STARGATE PROJECTS & PROJECT LOOKING GLASS told them over and over that TPTB will be unable to stop the unparalleled disclosure of lies after 2012.

SOTN Editor’s Note: This Alt Media platform has operated from its inception on the premise that the Internet was the single biggest mundane game-changer in world history. There’s not even a close second on the purely mundane level, although there are plenty of bigger spiritual change agents.

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/
But why?

Because it allowed a little WordPress blog like State of the Nation to start each and every day releasing a thousand flaming arrows into the Deep State castle—THAT’S WHY!!!
Similarly, there are now tens of thousands of websites doing the exact same thing, some of those much larger platforms inflicting a LOT more damage daily on the once hidden Global Power Structure than SOTN.  Here are just 8 examples:









But what’s of paramount importance to understand here is that every truth-seeker on the planet is potentially a real investigative journalist or conspiracy realist researcher or truth video producer or Twitter truth tweeter or Facebook falsehood exposer or Instagram fact-checker or TikTok truth disseminator or No BS Blogger or Patriot website builder or Fact-reporting YouTuber / Rumbler / Bitchuter etc…………..
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