It Can’t Be Kamala: Another Longshot Prediction in a Good Year for Longshot Predictions


by William Sullivan, American Thinker:

By February of this year, Joe Biden was already so cognitively impaired that nearly four-in-five Americans had revealed to pollsters that he was just too old to run for president again. Biden was already beginning to drown in polls against his opponent on nearly every issue that is important to Americans by double digits, including a massive 35% deficit on the vital issue of border security and controlling illegal immigration.


For many of us, it was obvious that Biden wouldn’t make it to November.  It can’t be Biden on the top of the ticket in 2024, I argued back then.

And yet somehow, the prediction that he wouldn’t be around in November to headline the ticket was considered a longshot prediction by all of the mainstream media and the supposedly smart set of political wonks. There just wasn’t enough time to replace Biden in the primary process if they didn’t replace him by March, we were told.  If they were going to do it, they’d have to do it quickly, as Thomas Gift suggested.

But, as I also observed in February, it made far more sense for Democrats to wait to pull the plug on Biden in the summertime rather than the early spring, because waiting until summer would eliminate the pesky primary process and the party’s voters altogether.  Having an honest and open primary introduces the risk that voters may choose a different candidate than the Democrat politburo’s preference, after all, just as they nearly did in the primary process of 2016 and 2020 when the party was forced to rig the primaries against Bernie Sanders.  That went largely unreported by the left-wing media, but it managed to raise more than a few eyebrows on both sides of the political aisle.

Waiting until after the primaries to replace Biden was a longshot prediction among the supposedly smart set, too.  But, lo and behold, the mainstream media, the Hollywood elite, and the Democrat establishment operated in unison to prop up a rapidly diminishing Joe Biden in the spring, only to send him as a lamb to slaughter in an unprecedentedly early debate in late June.  Afterward, they orchestrated a finely tuned, yet unconvincingly veiled, slow-motion coup to oust Joe Biden in late July, with roughly one month until convention.

What’s interesting is that while these predictions may have once been considered longshot predictions, there was never anything illogical about them.  In fact, it would have been far more illogical to imagine that Biden would continue campaigning into the fall as a viable candidate on the Democrat ticket, just as it would have been illogical to presume that Democrats would oust him in February to open a frenzied primary season, over which they’d have limited control to direct the outcome.

It’s been a pretty good year for logical longshot predictions, and I see no reason to stop making them now.  And something just doesn’t feel right in all this new focus about this being a sprint to November between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.

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