Is Elevating Kamala Harris To The Presidency The Next Stage In Their Plan?


by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

Ever since Joe Biden dropped out of the race, prominent Republicans have been relentlessly calling for him to resign.  They argue that if Biden is unfit to run, he is also unfit to serve.  It is hard to argue with that.  But getting Biden to resign would essentially be the equivalent of throwing Brer Rabbit into the briar patch.  Elevating Kamala Harris to the presidency is not going to help Republicans win in November.  In fact, it would almost certainly help Harris and the Democrats.


Let me try to explain.

First of all, history has shown us that “incumbent presidents” always receive a noticeable boost compared to other candidates.

Right now, Kamala Harris is not an “incumbent president”, but if she is elevated to the presidency she will be.

Secondly, if Kamala Harris even serves for a couple of months in the White House, it will give her an opportunity to show the American people that she can do the job.

As long as she doesn’t mess up too badly, that could calm the fears that many have about her ability to fill the role.

Thirdly, the moment that she is sworn in she will become “the first woman president”, and that will be greatly celebrated by the mainstream media and will generate a tremendous wave of enthusiasm for her campaign.

So even if many Republicans were not calling for Joe Biden to step down, I think that this is what the Democrats were planning anyway.

Ultimately, I think that elevating her to the presidency is simply the next logical step in their grand plan to get Kamala Harris into the White House.

Of course they are going to need a good excuse, and Joe Biden’s failing health is perfect.

As I discussed yesterday, it appears that Joe Biden had a very alarming health episode during his visit to Las Vegas last week.

KSNV reported that a hospital in Las Vegas was put on alert due to “a possible medical issue with President Joe Biden”

A Las Vegas hospital was on standby after being alerted about a possible medical issue with President Joe Biden Wednesday afternoon while he was visiting Southern Nevada.

Law enforcement and medical teams gathered outside the University Medical Center trauma room entrance on Wellness Way in case the President of the United States arrived after he canceled an appearance at the Unidos US Convention in Las Vegas due to testing positive for COVID-19. Unidos US President and CEO Janet Murguía made the announcement to attendees who were waiting to hear the president speak.

President Biden did not seek medical treatment at the hospital but instead went to the airport and departed Las Vegas on Air Force One to self-isolate at his home in Delaware.



Initially we were not told what that medical issue was, but now there are rumors that Biden was displaying “stroke-like symptoms”

Reporters at RedState have also followed up the leads, and claimed that law enforcement has told them something did indeed happen, and that Biden was displaying ‘stroke-like symptoms’.

Ultimately, Biden must have quickly shown improvement because he went to the airport instead of the hospital.

But his physical condition is certainly deteriorating really fast.

I don’t see how he can possibly continue to serve in the Oval Office for six more months.

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