Google is rolling out an app for biometric travel passports


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

e-Passports are coming.  Google Wallet is rolling out digital support for American biometric passports and Apple Wallet is doing the same under the guise of Japan’s digital ID agenda.

Smartphones and mobile payment applications (“apps”) are poised to replace our physical banking cards, with services such as Google Wallet, Apple Pay, and Samsung Pay at the forefront of “revolutionising” our payment methods.


Currently, people can enter all their bank cards, passes, keys, tickets and IDs into each one of these apps and use them in different locations without needing to hold and carry the physical version.

Now Big Tech has its eye on travel documents.  In the words of Android Police:

Originally, the Google Wallet code stated that the digital e-Passport “isn’t an official ID and doesn’t replace your physical passport.” So why are they doing it?

They are marketing an e-Passport as a convenience.  But that’s just marketing. In reality, they are testing a system of centralised digital control while at the same time conditioning the public into accepting a digital passport.

It is the next step towards the merging of digital payments, digital IDs and digital travel documents.  As you can see in the screenshot below, once Google’s new feature is available in the Google Wallet, users can add their passports to create an ID pass. Additionally, they’ll have another option to add a driver’s license or ID in US states that support such functionality.

A screenshot for the upcoming passport support in the Google Wallet.  Source: Assemble Debug on Twitter

Tom’s Guide noted that digitised passports could in theory also be used for age or identity verification, like digital IDs stored in Apple Wallet, but Google has yet to comment on this possibility.

It’s not only digital IDs and digital passports that they aim to merge nor is the scheme restricted to the US.  As Biometric Update noted:

It’s not only Google that has ambitions of issuing e-Passports.  Apple Wallet has reportedly already begun building a similar capability into its application programming interfaces (“APIs”), software that allows two applications to talk to each other.  In a set of APIs to be used in Japan that have the potential to generate digital IDs based on biometric passports, it has been noted that the “JP” prefix in the API names is absent indicating they are designed for universal use and are not limited to Japan.

Digital IDs and digital passports are not the conveniences they are sold to us as.  The technology may fail and batteries may die, which would leave you stranded. Or you may find yourself in a spot that doesn’t accept digital passports or where internet connectivity is poor, intermittent or unavailable.  And, it is important to note that those issuing the digital ID and/or e-Passport are not government officials who are accountable to the electorate – they are being issued by for-profit privately held companies.

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