Golan Heights Arabs Tell Netanyahu he is Not Welcome but he Sneaks in Anyway as China Backs Palestinian Solidarity


by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

The Western media narrative today continued to portray the bombing and murder of Arab children in the occupied territory of the Golan Heights over the weekend as a “terrorist attack” by Hezbollah against Israeli citizens, while the voices of the Arabs who actually live there and experienced these horrible deaths are not being reported.

Fox News is an example of this media charade that completely ignores the voices of the victims:

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Israel set to counter Hezbollah following terror attack: ‘response will be swift, harsh and painful’

The looming Israeli reaction against the Iran-backed Hezbollah terrorist movement in Lebanon is said to be imminent in response to the group’s rocket attack on a children’s soccer field on Saturday, resulting in the murders of 12 young people.

On Monday, Netanyahu visited Majdal Shams and announced on X that Israel’s response to the massacre of children at the location “will come and it will be severe.” Netanyahu told the Druze Israeli community: “We are brothers. We have a covenant of life but, I regret that it is also a covenant of bereavement and sorrow. We embrace you.” (Source.)

“We are brothers”?? Seriously?

How are these Syrian Arabs in the occupied Golan Heights any different from the Arabs in occupied Gaza and the occupied West Bank? Has he ever called them “brothers”?

What is not being reported in most Western media outlets is that the local people protested his coming, and even tried to stop him, calling him a war criminal. The families of the children who were murdered refused to meet with Netanyahu.

Syrian Druze confront ‘war criminal’ Netanyahu’s visit to Majdal Shams

Residents of the occupied Syrian Majdal Shams village demonstrated against Netanyahu on Monday and blasted him as a “war criminal” and “child killer”.

Syrian residents of Majdal Shams in the Israeli-occupied Syrian Golan attempted to kick out Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from the village, calling him a “fascist” and a “criminal”, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported.

Netanyahu had arrived in Majdal Shams, where a vicious strike killed 12 children on the town’s football field, alongside a convoy of high-ranking security officials.

Netanyahu, Israeli officials, and politicians are accusing the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon of firing a rocket at the town, a claim that Hezbollah categorically rejects.

The Israeli Prime Minister spoke from the football field on Monday, pledging a “harsh response”.

Netanyahu and other officials have seized the opportunity, provided by the atrocious massacre, weaponizing it in order to justify a presumably intense aggression on Lebanon.

“Hezbollah, with Iranian backing, launched an Iranian rocket here, which took the lives of 12 pure souls,” Netanyahu said as he built up a justification for a controversial attack on Lebanon.

Netanyahu also said that his “heart is torn apart by the severe tragedy,” failing to realize his responsibility for the blood of at least 16,000 Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip.

How did the residents of Majdal Shams confront Netanyahu?

Al Mayadeen’s correspondent in the occupied territories reported that Netanyahu arrived in Majdal Shams at around 2:00 pm (local time) and was received by the town’s council chief in a local administrative building. Netanyahu entered through the back door of the building to avoid being seen.

It is worth noting that the chief is appointed by the Israeli occupation’s government.

After news had gotten around to the town’s residents, hundreds gathered outside the said building, protesting Netanyahu’s visit to the occupied Syrian town.

The demonstrators berated the Israeli Prime Minister, denouncing him as a “child killer” and a “criminal”.

Netanyuahu’s visit to the town did not last for more than 15 minutes, locals told Al Mayadeen, after the incident had enraged residents who refused to receive the Israeli Prime Minister.

Al Mayadeen also found that several locals refused to allow Israeli occupation forces to use their homes and rooftops as guarding points on Monday morning, ahead of Netanyahu’s arrival.

The residents were told that an official would visit the town, however, the official’s identity was not revealed to locals until it was reported in Israeli media outlets.

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz said the representatives of some of the families that fell victim to the attack on Majdal Shams refused to meet with Netanyahu.

Authorities attempted to arrange a meeting between the Prime Minister and the victims’ families, but it failed due to the families’ refusal. (Full article.)

As to whose rocket blast killed these innocent children, here is the Arab version.

Golan Heights attack: The claims and counterclaims on Majdal Shams strike

Israel says an Iranian-made rocket was used in the incident, yet Hezbollah insists that a misfired Iron Dome missile was responsible

On Saturday, an explosive slammed into a football pitch in the Golan Heights’ Majdal Shams, killing 12 children.

The apparent attack ratcheted up tensions between Israel, which occupies the Golan, and Lebanon’s Hezbollah, which began clashing with the Israeli military along the Lebanese border in October in solidarity with Hamas and the Palestinians under attack in Gaza.

Though the slain children were not Israeli citizens – Druze that live in the occupied Syrian territory tend not to take Israeli citizenship – Israel has blamed Hezbollah and insisted that it will retaliate in Lebanon.

Hezbollah denies it was responsible, saying the children were killed instead by a misfired Israeli Iron Dome air-defence missile.

Middle East Eye breaks down the claims and counter-claims on the incident in Majdal Shams.

Israel’s claims

Israel has brought forward what it says is evidence to prove that an Iranian-made rocket struck the children. Iran is a key backer of Hezbollah, which is the most powerful non-state military power in the world.

On Sunday, the Israeli army posted pictures that show shrapnel, which it said were found at the scene of the attack and matched an Iranian-made Falaq-1 rocket.

However, none of the images appear to have been taken of the alleged rocket shrapnel in situ at the blast site.

The Israeli army also published a map showing what it said was path of the rocket, claiming it was launched from southeast Lebanon’s Shebaa Farms area.

Yet, these claims were refuted by an anonymous Israeli paramedic, who told al-Araby TV that witnesses told him the shrapnel belonged to an Israeli Iron Dome missile.


The paramedic, who was reportedly wearing a Star of David shirt, said he would be “imprisoned” if he documented his testimony on air. Middle East Eye was not able to independently verify the claims.

Other witnesses who spoke to al-Araby on condition of anonymity said they saw the rocket flying from Mount Hermon on the Lebanon-Syrian border falling towards the football field.

Al-Mayadeen, a Lebanese media outlet with close ties to Hezbollah, published an article saying the blast site in Majdal Shams was not consistent with the kind expected after the impact of a Falaq-1 rocket, which it said would have made a larger crater.

Hezbollah had earlier on Saturday claimed responsibility for four other attacks before Majdal Shams was struck.

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