Germany: Unredacted covid protocols reveal scientists were called on to provide an illusory science that politics could pretend to follow


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

Unredacted RKI protocols shed light on various questionable decisions and observations made by the German Covid Crisis Team throughout the pandemic.

The RKI covid protocols, through April 2021, were first released in heavily redacted form in March 2024. Following a public outcry, the German Health Ministry agreed to remove all but the most essential redactions and finally delivered on this promise in May. Thereafter, a former RKI employee leaked all documents available to him in completely unredacted form to the independent journalist.


The unredacted documents include discussions about the ineffectiveness of mass testing, concerns about the use of FFP2 respirators, plans for vaccinating children despite lack of recommendation and puzzling alterations to testing procedures driven by ministerial instructions.

These revelations highlight the disconnect between scientific assessments and policy decisions, raising concerns about the basis for certain public health measures.

Earlier today, we published an article by Dr. Robert Malone highlighting peer-reviewed papers that demonstrate that the use of psychological techniques were purposefully deployed during the covid era to “fear nudge” and coerce people into taking a “vaccine.” 

The following article by Eugyppius demonstrates the same using documents from the Robert Koch Institut (“RKI”), a public health research and policy development institution which advises the German federal government on the identification of pathogens, disease surveillance and prevention (including vaccination).

Unredacted RKI protocols lay bare the entire Covid farce yet again

By Eugyppius

The Robert Koch Institut is the German equivalent of the American Centres for Disease Control; they are our primary public health authority, and as such they were central to the management of the covid pandemic in Germany.

The heretofore secret protocols of their “Covid Crisis Team” are now available unredacted and nearly in their entirety. In what follows, I assemble some samples for you. See if you can divine some common themes:

On 25 March 2020, our Crisis Team resolved to include in their dashboard and weekly reports the “epidemiological curve” illustrating new covid infections according to “reporting date and onset of illness.” Somewhat nervously, they added that, “You can see that the curve is slowly levelling off, but we should avoid drawing attention to this in our external communications, to encourage compliance with measures.” The German lockdowns were imposed as the first wave was already slowing down, and our public health authorities knew this.

On 29 July 2020, the RKI came to discuss a draft paper written by our virological-prophet-in-chief Christian Drosten, which provided “Recommendations for the autumn.” The article, they note, is “confidential,” especially because Drosten “decided in the meantime not to publish it.” This was because “his paper considered untargeted testing not to be useful, and this contradicts government policy.” Even a child could have seen that our mass testing regime was entirely pointless and provided useless data, and the scientists who were the public face of it knew this too. They didn’t say anything.

On 23 October 2020, with the second wave looming, the Covid Crisis Team prepared a general assessment on the advisability of making everybody wear FFP2 respirators. They complained that using such masks “requires training” and that “there is a lot of misuse” even “by medical staff, and masks must be individually fitted.” They worried furthermore that properly fitted FFP2 masks might make people feel too secure and undermine the pandemic “solidarity principle” by removing the manipulative emphasis on “the protection of others.” They also noted that FFP2 “masks increase respiratory resistance” and that “medical consultation may be necessary in the case of underlying diseases.” In conclusion, they said that “the harms of FFP2 masks may outweigh benefits” and wondered whether they should provide an announcement telling Germans that FFP2 masks are ill-advised. Despite this assessment by government epidemiologists, the first FFP2 mask mandates were imposed several months later.

On 19 May 2021, the RKI noted that “Even if STIKO [the German vaccine advisory body] does not recommend vaccination for children, [Health Minister Jens] Spahn is still planning a child vaccination programme.” Two days later they said that “Paediatric associations are reluctant to vaccinate children,” but also that “Politicians are already preparing vaccination campaigns to vaccinate the relevant age groups by the end of the school holidays.” On 14 July 2021, they had a whole brainstorming session about how to market the vaccines to kids, even though these medical interventions were still not recommended for them. They dreamed of an “influencer vaccination challenge on YouTube” and about “developing material for younger target groups” on social media. They wondered if “many aspects of the topic could” not “be approached with more humour.” It might be fun to make amusing social media content for children about vaccine side-effects: “For example, El Hotzo talked about his vaccine reaction.” (El Hotzo, in case you missed it, is Sebastian Hotz, the toxic social media personality who recently caused a minor scandal by expressing his regret on Twitter that Donald Trump’s would-be assassin failed to kill him.) And finally, at the end of the year on 15 December 2021, they noted laconically that, “The Health Ministry [under Karl Lauterbach] is currently considering a booster vaccination for children, although there is no recommendation and in some cases no authorisation.” The entire child vaccination campaign was a product of politicians and never had any basis in science, and everybody knew it too.

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