Game of Thrones


from StraightLineLogic:

The Age of Government is giving way to the Age of the Individual.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

Sun Tzu, The Art of War

The overwhelming advantage the resistance has over the confederated empire is our rulers’ arrogance, which blinds them not just to knowledge of their enemy, but to knowledge of themselves. They don’t understand the epoch-defining changes underway, the nature of the political forces aligning against them, the futility of their efforts to maintain what’s risibly called “the rules-based order,” and the folly of trying to impose a global superstate. They have everything tangible anyone could desire, but lack the two things they need—self-awareness and wisdom.

We can assume that one way or the other, the Corruptocracy was behind the Trump assassination attempt. At the least, eight years of inflammatory, violent rhetoric has had, as its implicit objective, to seed in addled minds the notion that Trump deserves to die and the intent to kill him. Biden recently said it was time to put a “bullseye” on Trump.

However, the shocking malfeasance of the Secret Service argues for something more orchestrated. Official and mainstream media obfuscation has been monumental, but perhaps over time the alternative media will ferret out something approaching the truth, as it has with so many incidents and issues. Conspiracy theory will once again become conspiracy fact. Fortunately, suspicion-fueling memes are coming fast and furious.

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