Food Inflation has Caused Some of the Best Grass-fed Beef in the World to be Less Expensive than Commodity Medicated Beef Raised in Feedlots!


by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

Something that I predicted would one day come true is actually happening today, here in the summer of 2024.

Due to the complexities of the food supply chain here in the U.S. that brings mass-produced cheap beef from mega-farms where cattle are raised in confined feeding operations (CAFOs) on GMO contaminated grains, and vaccinated against common diseases from being raised together in close quarters, into America’s grocery stores and fast food restaurants, I predicted that one day that supply chain would begin to fail and prices would start to increase, to the extent that our grass-fed beef raised by family farmers in lush pasture in Wisconsin, would beat the prices of commodity beef in the grocery store and fast-food chains.


And of course the grass-fed and grass-finished beef that we sell in my online store, Healthy Traditions, under our “Grass-fed Traditions” brand, is not just from any common breed of beef cattle.

These are Galloway beef cattle, from the rare ancient breed that originated in the rugged hill country of southwestern Scotland, and related to the more commonly known Angus breed which was developed in northeastern Scotland.

Worldwide, there are less than 30,000 head of this breed, and we have been breeding them and selling their beef for about 15 years now from the lush pastures of western Wisconsin, grown by Amish family farmers.

Here is a video that we shot and produced about them about 15 years ago:


When we first started this operation a decade and a half ago, there were not enough Galloway cows available to have 100% Galloway beef, and our farmer’s main bull was an Angus, so we sold beef that was at least 50% Galloway.

Now, however, our operation is mostly 100% Galloway and mainly a “closed herd” meaning that the farmers produce enough head of cattle each year that they do not need to go out and try to purchase some Galloway cattle from other farmers.

In addition, our Amish operation in Wisconsin has purchased and now maintains their own USDA-certified small processing plant, so that they can process the cattle themselves in a humane way, as opposed to large processing plants that process most of America’s beef in huge operations that can process 5,000 to 10,000 head of cattle a day, with a steady line of live cattle watching the other members of their herd be slaughtered in very inhumane ways right in front of their eyes, which increases their adrenaline and affects the quality of the resulting beef.

In addition to these inhumane ways of processing the cattle, they are inoculated with hormones and antibiotics throughout their lives, and it is being reported today that many of these vaccines used in commercial agriculture are the newer mRNA vaccines.

Because our grass-fed family farmers continue raising and producing beef cattle the “old fashioned” way by letting them graze on lush pastures in Wisconsin, they don’t have all the inputs and extra expenses of maintaining feedlots and relying on the current prices of feed grains, which are ALL contaminated.

They also don’t have to sell their cattle at auctions to enter the mass-produced food chain, as they just store them in their own freezers until they are ready to be purchased online in our store, and then shipped directly to the consumers who purchase it.

When we first started this operation, our online high quality Galloway grass-fed beef was at least twice as expensive as what you would pay in your local grocery store for commodity beef.

But not anymore! Right now our Grass-fed ground beef from these amazing animals is on sale for a couple more days for only $6.99 lb., and in most parts of the country you would not find even commodity mass-produced ground beef sold at that price!

Of course for us to ship it to you frozen in special packaging with corn-based biodegradable coolers packaged with dry ice, that does increase the price to have it delivered to your home, but depending on how much you purchase, in most cases it will still be competitive to your grocery store commodity beef.

If demand for this kind of high-quality beef increases, of course, this is not a product that we can just “scale” as it took us years to get our herd this size, and would take time to increase it more, so these prices probably won’t last forever.

If that is the case, why am I writing this article which is also an advertisement for this amazing beef?

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