by Lance D Johnson, Natural News:
In the spirit of the Soviet Union’s Holodomor of 1932, the UK government has implemented a scheme that pays farmers NOT to grow food. This preposterous move has riled up controversy and disturbed farmers across the UK, hearkening to the days when government’s intentionally starved populations for their own political and territorial gain.
Today’s UK starvation scheme, known as the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI), forms part of the government’s broader strategy to encourage “environmentally sustainable” farming practices. Instead of introducing these new farming practices gradually, the UK government has decided to destroy agricultural production altogether and put millions of people at risk of starvation and staggering food prices.
If this scheme isn’t intentionally designed to starve people, then it could be based on the foolishness of government leaders who have come to believe that endless money printing will solve all their problems and make all their visions a reality. If these leaders are willing to shut down farms and till over food sources, allotting a set amount of cash to the farmers, then the whole continent is set to suffer under communism.
Food security at risk in the UK, as government plots total takedown of agriculture
Cornish farmer Keith Andrews recently brought attention to the farming takedown scheme through a viral TikTok video, where he disclosed that farmers are being offered financial incentives to leave their fields fallow or dedicate them to non-food producing activities for up to THREE YEARS!
Andrews revealed that he was offered £2,500 per acre NOT to grow food every year, opting instead to plant bee mixes and wild bird seeds — a practice that earns him additional payments under the SFI.
“I’m going to plough a field. I’m going to put spring barley in. I’m going to get £440 off the Government, per acre. Then when it comes to crop size, leave it [to] rot in the ground,” Andrews explained in the video.
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) introduced the SFI as part of its Agricultural Transition Plan, which seeks to align UK agriculture with environmental goals such as achieving “net zero carbon emissions” by 2050. Initially launched in 2022, the SFI has since expanded to include more totalitarian visions, while providing greater financial rewards for farmers who adopt “environmentally friendly practices.” The claim of sustainability is nothing but doublespeak.
Jeremy Clarkson, a prominent figure in the farming community, voiced his frustration with the policy in a recent article, noting that it incentivizes farmers away from food production to secure more profitable environmental grants. “I know one chap who has taken 60 per cent of his farm out of food production and he’s not alone,” Clarkson remarked, highlighting concerns over the sustainability of such practices in meeting the nation’s food needs.