Elon Musk tells Jordan Peterson he was ‘tricked’ into agreeing to give puberty blockers to his son


by Andreas Wailzer, LifeSite News:

Elon Musk denounced so-called ‘gender affirming care’ as ‘child mutilation and sterilization,’ noting how he ‘lost’ his own son, Xavier, after being ‘tricked’ into permitting him to take puberty blockers.

Elon Musk has said that he was “tricked” into agreeing to give his son puberty blockers and noted that was the reason he vowed to “destroy” what he calls “the woke mind virus.”

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In a wide-ranging, 2-hour-long interview, Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson and Musk discussed gender ideology leading to the sterilization and mutilation of children. The interview is available to view on The Daily Wire, where Peterson hosts a regular show.

During the conversation, Musk said that so-called “gender-affirming care” is a euphemism for “child mutilation and sterilization” and called the procedures “evil.”

When Peterson asked Musk why he was willing to bring the issue to the forefront, Musk opened up and said that one of his sons took sterilizing puberty blockers in order to have a so-called “gender transition.”

“I was essentially tricked into signing documents, for one of my older boys, Xavier,” he recalled. “This is before I had really any understating of what was going on, and we had COVID going on and there was a lot of confusion.”

“I was told, you know, Xavier might commit suicide if you don’t [take puberty blockers].”

“That was a lie right from the outset,” Peterson interjected.

“No reliable clinician ever believed that,” he continued. “There was never any evidence for that. And also, if there’s a higher suicide rate, the reason is because of the underlying depression and anxiety and not because of the gender dysphoria. And every […] clinician knows that too. And they are too cowardly to come out and say it.”

“I can’t imagine a therapist doing anything worse than that or sitting idly and remaining silent while his colleagues are doing it; it’s pathetic,” decried Peterson.

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