Saturday, October 19, 2024

Diversity hire Kimberly Cheatle demonstrates the deadly consequences of replacing duty with diversity


by Patricia Anthone, America Outloud:

Kimberly Cheatle, Biden’s diversity-hire choice to head up the Secret Service, has been subpoenaed by Congress to answer for her deadly dereliction of duty.

So far, this blithering idiot has done nothing but belch up lie after lie.

Without hearing anything further from a person whose character is as deficient as her competence, here is what we already know.

1)  The Secret Service is responsible for protecting its protectee. That responsibility cannot be abdicated to any other agency without regard to how individual tasks are divided up among law enforcement agencies present.


No matter what tasks local police had supposedly been assigned, the Secret Service remains responsible for leaving an ideal assassin’s perch uncovered.

The fault for yielding that rooftop to an assassin is completely and fully on the Secret Service and, more specifically, on the incompetent and dishonest woman who was hired in satisfaction of the ‘diversity’ ideology.

She must not be allowed to slander anyone in local law enforcement in her effort to deflect blame.

2)  The perimeter of Secret Service responsibility is defined by RIFLE RANGE not by any ad-hoc, interagency agreement. The reason for this should be obvious to anyone with any sense.

3.) The slope of the roof yielded to the assassin was not a factor.

That was a dumb, ill-considered lie, which demonstrates not only this woman’s dishonesty but her stupidity.

The roof she claims to be “steep” is probably a 2/12 pitch, and the roof from which the Secret Service shot the assassin is approximately a 5/12.

A moment’s consideration before spitting out her lie would have revealed this absurdity. But she was in such a hurry to frame dereliction of duty as “concern for safety” that she couldn’t be bothered with glancing at any of the many photos that call out her lie.

4)  But her decision to YIELD THE FIRST SHOT TO AN ASSASSIN is the most egregious of her failings on that day. That decision became, in practical effect, an officially condoned hit on our former president.

Secret Service agents had the armed assassin in sight. They knew that the position of the sniper made it an easy kill shot.

An order that withholds permission to fire until after an assassin has had his chance to kill is an order to PERMIT ASSASSINATION.

NO GOOD REASON can possibly be offered for not taking out an armed assailant before he kills. Nothing anyone can say at any point will excuse this. For all these reasons, the responsibility for the civilian death falls squarely at the feet of Biden’s diversity hire and, by extension, Biden himself.

Not only should this woman be summarily dismissed, but she should be subject to ruinous lawsuits by the victims and their families. She should find herself shunned, unemployed, and unemployable, except in the most menial of jobs that don’t allow her to endanger others. If proof of nefarious intent against the United States’ interests can be established, mainly if she is found to have cooperated with foreign or domestic enemies of the US, she should face the lawful consequences that are appropriate to such treason.

For decades, ideological zealots have been permitted to weaken and emasculate the military, law enforcement agencies, and other institutions whose sole purpose is to deploy protective or defensive force, replacing their primary purpose with a “social justice” pursuit of employment “diversity” and “inclusion.”

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